[@Lord of Evil] Stephan's trip into the sewers didn't go unnoticed. Despite appearances he wasn't down there alone. Drawn to his scent a man or 'creature' skilfully stalked him to his exit. But it didn't end there. It never left the sewer but from down there beneath the ground it carefully continued to follow his path. Stalking and waiting. Following him to the crash. [hider=Don't look yet.] [img]https://i2.wp.com/allgametrailers.altervista.org/wp-content/uploads/2014/10/Dying-Light-Zombies-Gameplay-Trailer-PS4Xbox-One.jpg?resize=640%2C360[/img] [/hider] [hr] [@Polaris North] The man, even more feral looking now that he was up close, looked at the wooden sword and sniggered with his gap-tooth grin. He carried with himself, in the air around him a foul odour of poor hygiene, sweaty clothes and other things that most wouldn't want to consider. It was all topped off and laced with the repugnant sting of pure spirits that had obviously ended just as much on him as in. [i]"I'll shew ya mahr shword eh."[/i] he sputters with a sense of self achievement as he marvels over his own humour and staggers even closer while reaching towards his own belt with unsteady hands. The old man suddenly stops when he see's her eyes. A hand raises to clasp his mouth as he steps back in a horrid shock. [sub]"thss hado en er eyh"[/sub] He whispers through his hand before removing it from his mouth and leaning in for a closer look. [b]"NOPE!"[/b] he suddenly shouts as he snaps back, distancing himself. Shaking his head he looks to the ground and begins to mumble. [i]"Da derbent,sh hadou ah irit."[/i] He repeats it again and again a few times over as he grows increasingly agitated. Then he says something new. [i]"Eht comin' you're brinnen trebble, godda pra-par."[/i] He looks up at her like she is actually a person and as though he has a hundred things to say or ask. Eventually he makes his question. [i]"Kehn I 'ave smm cash?"[/i] He holds out a dirty hand expectantly. [i]"fo' da bus."[/i]