[hider=Michael Oakley][b]Name: Michael Oakley[/b] [b]Appearance:[img]https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcQ1NtPg-3sKbfT9J0P6wkCQMGx16CaidEPMxpsuDAl85MSLhvcZRA[/img][/b] [b]Age: 26[/b] [b]Personality: A heavy drinker, he spends lots of time hanging at taverns. A cheapskate and a hoarder, he is well off though quite isolated from the world outside of the taverns.[/b] [b]Biography: He got his Masters in Philosophy from Cambridge University, but since then he has wasted his potential on alcohol and occasional drug indlugence. Why? He grew lazy, he felt he was too smart for the rest of the world to understand him though in reality he was nothing more than someone who failed to see his own arrogance. The details of his birth and his formative years are lost to him, all fuzzy memories of high expectations and gold stars, but no attachment to any of it.[/b] [b]Powers: Unknown.[/b][/hider]