Rolo took off down the street after bidding farewell to Corinne. Down the hill, back towards Sea Salt Bay proper. To say that he was smitten with Corinne would've been the understatement of the century. She was everything he could've hoped for, and more. And to think that her father owned a chain of diners all across the state. Road trips and free diner meals. Such a proposition sounded like heaven to Rolo. Of course, he did have to play nice with her old man though. Keep on his good side and it'll be easy street from there on out. The more Rolo thought about it the more excited he got. But did he dare get his hopes up for this girl? Rolo still wasn't quite sure. Their relationship had just begun, so it was still too early to predict how things would turn out. The breakup with his last girlfriend came as a shock after all. One things for sure though, he hoped above all else that their relationship would become a serious one, perhaps even an eternal one. And so he rode through the streets of Sea Salt Bay, fantasising about Corinne and her free diner meals. For now though they had to keep their courtship a secret; as per her wishes. Rolo understood Corinnes urge to remain clandestine, more than she knew. Such things needed to strengthen before bearing the weight of extreme scrutiny. That was especially true in a town like Sea Salt Bay. The New Royals were on the rise, which precipitated the return of the bad old days. All Rolo worried about though, was type of pancake he was gonna have. Chock-chip, strawberry, or blueberry. Decisions decisions.