I guess I ought to put my own stuff down before I accidently delete a few day's worth of work. [hider=Vesyanian Tribal Confederation WIP] History The history of the Vesyanian Tribe can be traced back to one of the more sexually deprived experiments preformed by Vault-Tec. When the first people Vault 24 where brought into the Vault, they were told to dispose of an burn their clothing out of fear of radiological contamination and that they would be given jumpsuits soon after. However, there were no additional clothing provided to the inhabitants and upon exploring the vault proper, they discovered it had been filled with explicit adult materials and there was a surprising lack of conventional entertainment options. Needless to say, this came as quite a shock to the now nude inhabitants, coming as quite the culture shock and they nearly lynched the first Overseer because of it. However, as time past, each generation got more and more comfortable with nudity and sexuality, having lost the prudishness and prim and proper mannerisms of their pre-war ancestors. In addition to this new life style, body art became increasingly common as a way of standing out and displaying one’s individual nature as display that through clothing was never an option. When the Vault doors opened, the inhabitants set out into a brave new world, discovering that they had picked up a rather interesting trait: extremely well adapted homeostasis and fast metabolism. Wether due to their lifestyle, a minor actor failure that caused a minor mutation or something else is unknown, but the new settlers were able to live comfortably in a wide range of climates without feeling overly hot or overly cold. More generations pasted and while many died during the first years of settlement and migration, those who survive became stronger and smarter, especially when dealing with other tribes and factions. Never one to be overly militant, the tribals realized that in a wasteland full of deformed people, the sight of a beautiful woman dancing around naked or a bare chested male who looked like something out of a prewar sports magazine was extremely appealing to others. In their own, new native tongue they called themselves the Vesyanians or “Children of Vesyan”, their goddess of the sun, beauty and passion who lead their pantheon. Taking this advantage, the tribals would often simply seduce most threats that came to them and taking advantage of their own virility to tire them out before either attempting to assimilate them or killing them while they were too tired to react. This method was soon expanded to politics as it became a common practice to have a group of daughters and sons be sent off and seducing anyone of importance within a tribe and taking control through marriage. With the natural fertility of the Vesyanian Tribals, the number of people with Vesyanian blood in them often outnumbered those who didn’t and with such influence and charm, the Vesyanian culture become the dominate one. One by one, tribes would allured by the nude men and women with beauty and charm beyond anything they had ever seen and were absorbed into the greater Vesyanian Tribal Confederation, any technology and knowledge they once had now being assimilated into that of the Confederation. Culture The Vesyanians are built upon misunderstanding of old world things and of the most prevalent is the concept of “Gravure” which too the tribals means “model” in the way of “role model”. People are told to look for both inner and outer beauty, to sharpen their wits while also accentuating their appearances. This concept is split between men and women as “Stallion” and “Bombshell” respectively; while Studs are supposed to be the strong warriors baring chest with large muscles, Bombshells are supposed to be the calm collected brains with delicate and modest forms and manners. Of course the “delicate and modest” is based upon the standards of the Vesyanians and are not and should not be confused with the same word used by many others in whats almost a completely different definition by compression. The women of the Vesyanians also seem to have some natural affinity with explosives to some degree leading to some postituatling if the old world meaning of “Bombshell Girl” was based upon the idea of beautiful women with an in-depth knowledge of bombs. Similar, its is thought that the word “Stallion” was to meant to mark men who had the strength and stamina of the wild horses. In both sense, Bombshell and Stallion are highly esteemed compliments to the Vesyanians as well as several other words which other factions would consider insults. There is little definition of “private property” to the Vesyanians. While people can “mark” things as something they prefer to use, it is still not under their ownership. Everything is in essence, owned by everyone although people will generally respect if someone lays claim to a weapon they prefer to use or a bed they like to sleep on the most. Even love is considered to be a very open thing with partners often sleeping around with others with no ill consequence from their partners. One could go as far as to say that it is expected for people to have such “unbound” relationships. The only true formality is that if someone wishes to have a baby, they must declare that they are “marrying” their partner meaning that they must have a child with that person. The “marriage” is subsequently terminated upon the child’s birth allowing for another “marriage” to take place. Slavery is a common procedure in the Confederation but it is treated differently. Anyone can become a slave to anyone else, often done to pay debts or to help get by during tough times. While they are effectively property of whoever now owns them, they cannot be bought and sold without their own consent and masters are expected to take good care of their property as a gesture of both kindness and knowing that they will work better if treated and maintained well. It is like a gun, if you take good care of it, it’ll serve you well. Any child born to a slave is not a slave themselves, but will have to stay with their mother or father. Even those who are captured and enslaved are treated the same as those Vesyanians who enslave themselves voluntarily except that those who are captured have no fixed terms they must serve before they can be set free; only through winning their master’s favor or buying their own freedom can they become free themselves. Mutants are treated very much on a “out of sight, out of mind” thinking where the Vesyans do not particularly enjoy dealing with them, but are willing to cooperate with them but will not show the same level of “intimacy” which they would show to humans. Mutants tend to banished from Confederation lands but will not be attacked provided they do not provoke the natives. Military To the Vesyanians, anyone carrying a weapon is considered a soldier which essentially means everyone in Vesyanian society is a soldier. However, those who are trained and considered professional, competent soldiers is far less as war is seen with an air of distaste. Like their normal clothing, Vesyanian “armor” is extremely light and doesn’t give much protection and a lot to see and is very much a style of substance for of thing. Greaves, gauntlets, trinkets, dog collars, stockings, shibari style rope webbing, hot wax seals put directly on the body, jewelry of animal bones and fangs, lower facemarks and brightly colored feathers all making an appearance in the “armors” of the Vesyanians. While this makes them fragile, it does make them extremely nimble and hard to hit in melee as they will never be encumbered by armor. In terms of weapons, the children of Vesyan are tribals though and through, relying on brush axes, whips, war clubs and blades, claw weapons, spears, machetes and sledge hammers in melee. At ranged, they have perfected the use of bows, creating many exotic looking variants which when combined with their equally exotic arrows, give the Vesyanians a fighting chance in their hit and run attacks even against armor. However, with a combination of looting, trading and exploring, they have come across a small cache of rare weapons. More elite troops can be found sporting bolt action and lever action rifles as well as double barrel and pump shotguns with pistols and revolvers being more common. Reserved for the best are the taser lances and the chainsaw. Supporting weapons comes in the form of molotov cocktails, improvised nail bombs, catapults and ballistics of various sizes and even Immolators mounted on wheels and used as fire-based artillery pieces and crank operated automatic rifles and machine guns. Lightning raids and hit and run attacks are the primary tactics of the Confederation as they are well aware that against the more advanced factions, they have little chance of victory in a straight up fight. Against other tribals they may try more direct methods however. Fear and distraction are also favorite tactics as distantly giggling from all directions in a dark forest or a beauty who is always just out of reach can prove dangerous for a unwary mind. The warriors of the Vesyanians are simply called “Braves”, nine of them lead by a “Sub-Champion” forms the basic 10-man “Pack” unit of the military. Three of these packs are called “Gatherings” and are lead by a Champion. Three Gatherings form a “Herd” lead by a Dominate or a Dominatrix and their “Alpha Pack” bringing the number up to 100 men. Above that are the 210-men side War Herds lead by Master Dominates/Dominatrixes. Above that is the largest grouping a single tribe can hope to support and even then its a combination of the efforts of multiple tribes, the Horde. 440 soldiers led by the tribal chieftain themselves with the addition of their handpicked honor guard. [/hider]