She silently watched as the brunette smoothed down her gown and checked to see if her mask was still intact. [i]Hmmm, I wonder if she thinks I’m being weird….am I being weird?[/i] she thought to herself, snapping out of it as the brunette took her hand. “That’s such a pretty name. What does it mean?” she asked curiously. A dark eyebrow raised in mild amusement as she heard Alura’s question, pausing for a moment as she thought about how to respond. Should she tell the truth? Would she think that Azaria was as snobby as some of the other women here? After a soft sigh, she shook her head. “I wish I were, maybe then I wouldn’t care about the disappointment that I’m going to bring to my parents tonight.” She smiled weakly and asked the same question in return. “Are you sponsored?”