Sam had been expecting his possible new roommate so he was quickly up and opening the door when he heard the knock. "Hey there, uh...don't tell me, I promised myself my one job was to remember your name," he snapped his fingers a few times before coming to, "Quinn, right, sorry about that. Anyways, come in, let me show you around." He stepped away from the door more in to the front foyer, which wasn't much but it served its purpose. It had a closet for jackets and some mats opposite it to put your shoes when you came in. "I prefer no shoes in the house, I know some people wear theirs all the time, don't know if you do." They walked through a doorway on the right, except their was no door, Sam always wondered what you call a doorway with no door. At any rate he continued with the tour, "so here's the dining room, kitchen is next room over, living room is down those stairs." Saying the living room was down stairs was a bit of a stretch, it was a ledge with one step before the floor so it wasn't uncomfortable. It had an L shaped couch and a 50" TV with some game systems hooked up to it. He lead Quinn back through the foyer and down the left hallway. The first door they came to on the right Sam said, "this would be your room if you moved in, as you can see there's already a bed, and the dresser is empty for your clothes." They continued on to the end of the hall where it was a bit busy with room. "On the left here we've got the bathroom, only one so we'd have to share, in front of us is my room, and this door on the right is a closet, it's where I keep the vacuum and some other cleaning things." He turned back to Quinn and smiled, "so, you like the place?" He hoped she did, he'd been meaning to rent out the other room for a while and now that he was less able to work extra shifts he could barely keep up payments. He scratched at a spot on his left shoulder blade, it was bugging him which was strange, it normally never bugged him unless he was using his new ability. He tried to keep it covered at all times with a hoodie, he wasn't sure what he'd do when the weather got too warm for that, he'd have to cross that bridge when he got to it. [@t2wave]