[@Polaris North][@Kidd] The old man was surprised and overcome with gratitude at the notion. He grinned widely and even attempted to clasp Himeko's hand. He quickly pocketed the cash in a strange rush of fear like she might try to take it back. [i]"Howsh bout somin fo eh bid o hewd?"[/i] he asks unnecessarily loudly while making a shovelling motion to his mouth to ensure she understood, meanwhile giving his best sorry sad pitiful pleading look. Then the other woman was noticed. It was unsure if he was ogling the car or the woman. Perhaps both. But for a man who struggled to put together a sentence or simply balance on his own two feet he sure could still preform a strong wolf whistle. It was followed by a wide grin and a boisterous laugh. He was about to call out when he was hit with a sudden coughing fit. [hr] [@Lord of Evil][@CornixElecti] Meanwhile around the corner. Two men darted into an alleyway while one stood guard watching as Stephan slowly come down the street towards them. His lip curled back as he tried to look as nasty and intimidating as possible. In the alley way, after barely dodging the bin, the two men's anger quickly subsided when they saw the woman now trapped and motioning them forth. The two men dropped to a slow stride, savouring and maliciously enjoying the tension as they approached her like a pack of animals to their prey. [i]"what's a little lady like you doing in a place like dis?"[/i] One asks with a slack tongue. [i]"Look 'ere, we don't have ta hurt ya if ya jus hand everything over."[/i] said the other with while sick grinning. [i]"Yea, everything!"[/i] With the flick of his wrist the closest man produced a knife. [i]"Well what's it gonna be?"[/i]