[@Morose] [@Sigil] [@mnkee] [@Sputnik] [@rivaan] Okay, once everyone has posted since my last post that has characters at Almack's things are going to get interesting. I will be setting the scene for a fight, once my post is up, we will remove rotation for you all at Almack's and you will go into fight mode. From my post you will determine what skills you want to do and pm me for results! LLA will roll the dice and you will get your information in the PM to how it goes - then you will work that into your next post. (Remember, once you call what you are doing for that round it is set no matter how the rolls go down. So you have to post for them. Think carefully.) This is going to allow us to go into fight mode and get posts done quicker while keeping things easier to read. If you are going to remain paired up with certain characters or be near them when all hell breaks out - PM me together with your joint efforts so you know how each of you are reacting and succeeding or failing as things go along. You will have until day 5 on my WN counter to send me for rolls, after that, no rolls will be made. If you succeed in something and are under day 5 on your counter and want to continue, send me you next "attempt" - you can do this as many times as you succeed before day 5 on your counter. If you have any questions, go ahead and ask - will answer as much as I can. Oh and be prepared, some rolls have already been made and LLA has claimed 1 character before we even begin.