[@Afro Samurai] No you don't. I was waiting for one that removed the problems I stated. You should wait for approval before moving it to the CS section. [quote=Afro Samurai] and are extraordinarily durable--they are typically resistant to high caliber gunfire, and extreme natural temperatures. Andre, specifically, has demonstrated the ability to: withstand high caliber gunfire without issue,It is said he is also highly resistant to most natural forms of energy (searing heat, rigid cold) though not impervious. [/quote] That's the problem with your CS. You basically have two powers. While I can accept the fact that he is a little bit more durable than a normal human (like a bullet will piece his skin but a knife wouldn't (only if not pushed by someone very strong)) , giving him Luke Cage levels of durability would mean he was two powers while I stated that characters have only one.