[center][img]http://i.imgur.com/lb0Evem.jpg[/img] [u]Theme[/u] [youtube]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GYFJjwXtsU4[/youtube][/center] Short interest check. Anyone looking to join a mid to high casual level sci-fi/adventure/exploration/ship combat/alien life integrated/action packed roleplay about intergalactic war, cosmic treasure, ancient alien prophesies, and more space related goodies? Inspiration taken from anime, games, and tv. (tenchi muyo, gurren lagann, cowboy beebop, star citizen, wildstar, star trek, etc.) Fly your own ship or be a part of a crew and travel across the galaxy while avoiding the many threats presented to you. Stopping off at the occasional space station or planet to pick up missions, information, or new crew members. Enrolling pirates, soldiers, bounty hunters, or if you just wanna fly, freelancers. Or, if you have ideas for some random alien species with a random alien profession, that's most likely fine too. I like to pair my roleplays with lots of interesting artworks and music I find online (like the ones above) to help immerse everyone into the experience. All interest is appreciated. Please message me or reply here for more info.