[Edit: Fixed punctuations.] While it is true that Xavier had not specifically stored his energy for a defense but it was also true that in the end, he wouldn't need to. For what El Rey may not know is that Xavier was already surrounded by mass amounts of his own personal energy, both in the form of the red particles which danced in the air and the energy which composed the metal that encased El Rey’s hands. On its own the energy in the metal would almost be superfluous as it was simply used to enable full control of it. However once the metal has been destroyed before it can revert to it's blood form, such as being ground to dust, then that energy is released back into the world at practically the same power levels. Yes Xavier has had blood supply destroyed as the metal was gone but even still his supply was vast and could be replenished through a massive intake of Chaos Energy to catalyze into Dread Energy. Dread Energy is one that cannot be destroyed for it itself is a branch of destruction itself; a power below Chaotic in nature and yet above it in power. It’s constructs, Xavier included, can however be broken down to their rawest form of Dread Energy at which point it is released back unto the world for Xavier to manipulate once more. The power of his energy is due largely in part to Xavier’s indomitable will that was responsible for the very mutation that allowed him take his powers from the god of Chaos. The other gods now cower before the impossible existence that is Xavier and his Dread Energy. It can overpower practically any powers which would attempt to battle for supremacy; primarily other destructive or chaotic natured powers. As El Rey would crush the metal betwixt his fingers and jeopardize the structural integrity of the steel with cracks he would in turn release plumes of Dread Energy from within; for in that moment he released practically a full turn charge of the energy. Xavier could feel El Rey's hands clenching as his body shifted forward and in that moment Xaviers eyes began to widen as he felt the energy that was beginning to mix with his; there was a sense of familiarity along with it. There was nothing for him to do to avoid it so Xavier would simply allow for his bent legs to go limp whilst his abdomen hardened just as the metallic mound came into contact with his abdomen; busting into several chunks as Xavier's body was thrown into the corner of the and the mat as his loose legs helped to absorb the blow by crippling under the force; the earth quaking beneath his back as splinters of plywood littered air after Xavier had slammed home. With held from sight was a set of stone pillars which torn through wrestling mat as Xavier had fallen so as to support him with the very earth itself and not simply the shredded turnbuckle behind him and Xavier repositioned his hands so as to place his palms to the mat as he hit. The burst of ether came next and broke down the remaining metal between them; adding 2 extra turns of energy into the air through their destruction to create a wave of Dread Energy which would ride upon El Reys own destructive waves towards Xavier. Before sight of Xavier had been obscured it could be seen that the red light of his eyes was shining vibrantly as he willed the Dread Energy from within the air of ring to begin moving towards his body. Despite this energy being created Xavier had not the time to cover himself entirely before the ether of El Rey made contact, however it was Xaviers own energy which collided with him first and coated his skin with itself before it billowed around him and what remained of the turnbuckle. Rejecting the vast majority of El Reys ether and redirecting it to the outer edges of his body. The skin of Xavier’s front side still boiled and bubbled before turning black as the heat withered the intentionally weak flesh to ash. The energy was protecting the skin as much as it could, but in the end the flesh was more for looks than it was for any practical defense. Both skin and energy were being used to deflect the ether away from Xavier’s body so as to allow his metallic muscular structure to stand up better. The force of El Reys blast had flattened Xavier’s energy into a small cocoon around him, stopping him from massing the energy for total deflection; but this would soon change. For behind Xavier, while his skin was melting by fractions of a second, El Rey's power was laying waste to the surrounding country; leaving a cone of unscathed land beginning at the remaining shred of the turnbuckle behind Xavier. With every atom that was destroyed in El Rey's attack he would in turn release Chaos Energy unto the world and Xavier would be rewareded with a miniscule charge of power by means of the Chaotic nature of this event. Usually a rather small addition, however El Rey's devastation was far reaching and amazing and Xavier was rewarded with an incredible surge of Dread Energy that would seem to come from almost nowhere as El Rey's ether spread across the land. It would make the lights of his eyes burn bright enough to shine through the ether. In one instant Xavier would be enveloped in the ether of his opponent and the very next the skies darkened to a red hue just as a plume of dark red and purple energy would cleave through the ether field. In doing so it would be revealed that the mass of energy was coming from Xavier's eyes, which were still surrounded by the mask, his mouth which held no lips to cover the steel teeth and the gaping hole between them where Xavier’s nose had once stood . All the skin below and above Xavier's mask on the front side of his body had been burned away to reveal the glistening muscular structure beneath. The massive slabs of muscle that are his pectorals could be seen as having some singe marks where the ether had deflected off the metal of his abdomen. The time to take it all in would be extremely brief as Xavier's massive torrent of Dread Energy would split through the ether field and continue to fly towards El Rey with incredible speed. The density and viciousness of this Dread Energy was worse than the most nightmarish of sandstorms as an inconceivable number of separate Dread Energy particles pounded together; creating red arks that danced among the energies. Xavier had created a conical plume of energy which would open wide to encompass El Rey’s entire body as it would devours a path through the ether. There would be a massive physical force within the billowing plume comparable to that carried by a loaded and speeding semi truck, but this was simply the first effect. Xavier’s energy was one that could devour practically anything that has been placed before it; weakening the structure of any object which bares the misfortune of experiencing a direct physical attack. To prevent said affect from comprising ones arms and/or armor there would have to be some other form of energy actively defending against it to prevent that physical contact. For even against the mightiest defenses each microscopic particle of Dread Energy was capable of devouring almost any material placed before it. That’s not to say that El Rey would find himself to be suddenly nude in the ring, but there is a distinct possibility that he would find certain areas of his suit to be weakening from prolonged exposure. For Xavier’s torrent would be relentless up until the point that there was something else for him to worry himself about. The blast from Xavier’s face was set for contact less than a full second after El Rey’s own blast stretched across the land; power levels rising as the damage continued. How would El Rey fair against this blast of energy that Xavier was returning at him? What was the familiarity that rang in the back of Xavier’s mind as El Rey’s ether had washed over him? If what Xavier thought was accurate, than El Rey received his powers from something within the Chaotic Element much like where his own had mutated from and would find himself hard pressed to defend against it entirely. What’s more, there’s a good chance that he may also eventually succumb to the insanity or hallucination’s that are known to follow exposure to Dread Energy. If only due to the fact that his powers may fall into the lineup of the very energy Xavier is most easily able to overpower for his own.