[center][img]https://i.ytimg.com/vi/Ka7GI5zU5aI/hqdefault.jpg[/img][/center] [i]Hiya folks! We all know Henry's tale of how he got his ol' pal's letter, and his misadventures in the ol' studio, right? Well, whaddaya think would happen if Henry never came to the studio? Hm? Did ya think Joey's work would just fade into obscurity? That [s]we[/s] all of his works would just be forgotten? [center][color=red]Well, guess what?[/color][/center] Some [s]mook[/s] genius thought it would be a great idea to get Joey Drew Productions up and running again after Joey and the others [s]failed miserably[/s] quit. So, in the year 2017, Boris and I are popular! We're just as popular as that Mouse couple and their friends from whazzit's name's productions. Yeah! We even have our own theme park now! Ain't that something? Oh! That's right! I never introduced myself, did I? Pleased to meet ya! Hoped ya guessed my name. Well, despite how much the studio has grown, the old studio where Boris and I got our start still stands to this day. I remember when [s]that traitor[/s] Joey sent that letter to [s]the other traitor[/s] Henry. He never came. Meh, I'm not complaining. But ya know...Those who enter that studio, never came out again. [s]Gee, I wonder why.[/s] That's not the weirdest part. The weirdest part is that despite that fact, there are others who still go to that studio. Humans are weird, huh?[/i] [hr] Okay, as you can tell, this is a Bendy and the Ink Machine AU RP, where Henry never went to the studio, and Joey Drew Productions is successful in the present day and time. The story will focus on you (the player characters). As the GM, I will be controlling the environment and the NPC's. Note that Bendy and the Ink Machine is created by theMeatly. So, all credit for the ideas and canon characters go to them. Also, [color=red][b]THERE MAY BE SPOILERS HERE![/b][/color] You have been warned. Anywho....onto the rules. [center][hider=Rules] [i]*COMMUNICATION! It's important. If something comes up and you can't post for whatever reason, please let me or a CO-GM know. I'll do my best to do the same. *After posting in the IC, wait until at least two other players have posted before you post again. *All of the Player Characters will be Human. No cartoon characters like Bendy, Boris, and Alice please. *For character creation, we are going to try something a little different. This is in regards to your characters' [b]Motivations[/b]. Your character's motivation will be determined by chance. Now, before you cry foul about how the motivation you get would make your character...well, Out of Character, you can choose what kind of motivation your character would have. There are four kinds of motivation in this RP. These kinds are [b][u]Money[/u][/b], [b][u]Knowledge/Curiosity[/u][/b], [b][u]Secrets[/u][/b], and [b][u]Random[/u][/b]. More details about them will be covered in the Motivations Section. Note that Motivations may have a character's occupation/family relations/past event covered, but not so much that it's left you without any room for your own ideas. I have a feeling that this not only spice up the RP, but it will also challenge you, the writer, to implement and play with the motivation, and come out of your comfort zone. Challenge yourself and have fun with it! * In order to pick a Motivation, either post or PM me the type of Motivation and a number within the parameters given in the Motivations section. The parameters are the motivations that I have prepared as of now. If Inspiration strikes me once again, then the parameters may change at a later date. *This is more of a tip than anything, but you can ask for a motivation first before you create a character, just as much as you can create a character before asking for a motivation. However you want to proceed is up to you. *Once you have a motivation, don't tell anyone else, unless a player's character actually asks your character about it. (Who would tell others about their motivations for their actions when they weren't asked about it?) *If you have an idea of your own for your Motivation, PM me and we can discuss it. *Considering that this is a thriller/horror RP, I'm going to limit the number of Party Members to 5 PCs to a Party. Now, don't think for a second that this means I'm restricting the RP to 5 RPers. This means that if there are 10 RPers interested in playing, there will be two BATIM RPs, one for Group A (of 5 players) and one for Group B (of 5 players). If we get 10 RPers right here in the Interest Check, before any of the actual BATIM RPs are posted, then the groups will be determined by a Random Generator. If someone expresses interest at a later date, then they'll join a group where there are spaces available. *Keep an eye peeled on your PMs during the game. You never know what may happen when you're alone. *In case I forgot any rules or something comes up that needs a rule, I will add more here. *This will be a slow paced RP. I do not expect you to post every day, and I won't be able to post every day either. Everyone has a life outside of RP. If we need to, we can establish a posting order. *If you read the rules, fill in the blank: "Boris the Wolf in ___________" (Kudos to whoever knows which Youtube read that outloud in his playthrough) *Last, but not least, is have fun![/i][/hider][/center] [center][hider=Motivations]Here are your Motivation Types and what they mean. [b][color=green][u]Money[/u][/color][/b] - This is kind of self-explanatory. This means that your character wants (or needs) more money in their life, and they see the old studio, and whatever's inside, as an excellent opportunity to obtain those finances. - For this category, pick a number between 1 to 5. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. [b][color=blue][u]Knowledge/Curiosity[/u][/color][/b] - This means that your character has questions that they want answered regarding the old studio and anything related to it. That or they may just be the curious sort to have entered. Either way, you want to know what's going on, and you want to learn what secrets are hidden from the public. What you do with the knowledge depends on your character. - For this category pick a number between 1 to 7. 1. 2 [s]3. [@UnknownScarlet4][/s] 4. 5. 6. 7. [b][color=red][u]Secrets[/u][/color][/b] - Consider this the polar opposite of Knowledge/Curiosity. This is where your character knows a truth, and their goal is to keep it secret from the rest of the world. For them, the truth might be very inconvenient, flat out embarrassing, or capable of destroying a character's life. - For this category pick a number between 1 to 5. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. [b][color=yellow][u]Random[/u][/color][/b] - Now this is where the other motivations that couldn't be listed under the other three go. This is also for those character who may be considered as wild cards, jokers, or just the plain old unpredictable types. This is also good for players who do not have a preference for what kind of motivation their character would have. - For this category pick a number between 1 to 5. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. [/hider][/center] [center][hider=Character Skeleton] Name: Age: Skills (Pick 3) : Personality: Bio (Do not include your motivations or secrets here. ) : Appearance (anime is ok with me) :[/hider][/center]