[hider=Tinker Bell][center] [img]http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-6XVM4Nhu8xk/U_rijviN-OI/AAAAAAAB8ME/GWHXKqEu3gQ/s1600/Aubrey%2BPlaza%2B-%2Bphotoshoot%2Bfor%2BNylon%2BMagazine%2B5.jpg[/img] [img]http://txt-dynamic.static.1001fonts.net/txt/dHRmLjgwLjIyZWM5MS5WR2x1YTJWeUlFSmxiR3csLjA,/teabeer-custom.regular.png[/img] [color=springgreen][b]Name: [/b][/color] Tinker Bell [color=springgreen][b]Alias/Nickname: [/b][/color] Cassandra "Cassie" Jackson, Miss Jackson, Queen of Neverland, Tink (Reserved for Peter) [color=springgreen][b]Tale:[/b][/color] Peter Pan [color=springgreen][b]Physical Age: [/b][/color] 25 [color=springgreen][b]Actual Age:[/b][/color] She lost track a long time ago. Somewhere near 1000 [color=springgreen][b]Height/Weight:[/b][/color] 5' 4", 135 pounds [color=springgreen][b]Gender:[/b][/color] Female [color=springgreen][b]Physical Appearance and Attire:[/b][/color] Starting from the top, Cassie has chocolate hair that frames her slender face, falling to just below the shoulders, although she often extends and shortens it through the use of magic. Her skin is caramel colored, slightly darker than white, but not dark enough to look like anything more than a good tan. Her frame is rather thin, and Cassie in general is a rather small person. Her hands are dainty and her arms slender, while her legs are well toned and slim. She carries herself with a slight air of superiority, one that shows in how she struts rather than walks and speaks like everyone is hanging on her every word. [color=springgreen][b]Personality:[/b][/color] Cassie has always been ambitious, and ruthless in said ambition. She knows exactly what she wants, and has no qualms about the means that she must employ to get it. While Cassie is polite in conversation, no one would ever mistake her as being kind. Rather, Cassie's politeness is that of your mother-in law, the one who very clearly disapproves of you, but refrains from saying much of anything about it. She is cold and often uncaring. Cassie is also known among other Tales for being rather manipulative, often using her charisma and natural people skills to target someone's insecurities and use them to her advantage. All this makes Cassie seem like a selfish, uncaring bitch, which in all fairness, she does come off as. Deep down however, Cassie does care deeply for Peter, and she is not necessarily evil or malicious, unless your goals conflict with hers. [color=springgreen][b]Background:[/b][/color] Nearly a thousand years ago, in a small clearing in a forest, in the center of the Kingdom of the Fae, a fairy was born. Not particularly out of the ordinary, fairies were born everyday. This fairy however, had a destiny that would take her far beyond the confines of the forest she was born in. Her name was Tinker Bell. The Queen of the Fae soon took the newborn fairy in as her apprentice, planning on making her the heir to the throne one day, as fairies don't have children in the traditional sense. Fairies are simply born out of the magic in the air, and adopted by families. She taught Tinker Bell the intricacies of court, the subtleties of diplomacy, the way of the sword, and the art of magic. She acted as a mother, and raised Tinker Bell as kindly as she possibly could. Tinker Bell became renowned among the fae for her talents with magic, and the people loved her almost as much as they adored their queen. All that would one day change. Tinker Bell had always been ambitious, yearning for her inheritance. She was constantly in a battle with herself over the bond she shared with her surrogate mother, and the throne she so desired. She eventually settled these urges, and made herself dedicated to being a caring daughter. She did everything her mother wanted until one day, her mother asked for too much. She wanted Tinker Bell to marry a young noble's son, unite the two houses in a powerful alliance. Tinker Bell was unfortunately already involved with another boy, an apprentice working under the Crown's Craftsmith. Tinker Bell refused to be married off, and when her mother discovered why, she went down a dark path. If the Queen valued anything more than her daughter, it was the order of things. And she would not have her daughter be with a lowly craftsmith. Tinker Bell soon came to realize that her and her lover would not be able to be together, and she urged him to flee the kingdom. She knew how ruthless her mother could be in secret. But the boy refused. And that night, the guards came for him. They dragged him to the palace where he was executed, Tinker Bell watching as her mother handed down the sentence and caused her lover to burst into pixie dust and float away on the breeze. From that moment on, Tinker Bell vowed to see her mother pay. It would be some 250 years after her birth that Tinker Bell was exiled from the Kingdom of the Fae. She'd been gathering support for her own claim to the throne for many years, and finally believed she had the numbers to stage a coup and overthrow her mother. She was wrong. Her mother crushed her revolt and exiled Tinker Bell to an island in a far off sea, cursing her so that she may never find her way back to the kingdom she'd tried to steal. On this island, Tinker Bell found that she was not alone. There was a whole entire community of exiled fairies living on what they'd named Neverland. The seas were populated by mermaids, and the jungles by a number of fauna. Tinker Bell soon came to love the island and the freedom it represented. But her ambition never ceased, and she sought the same power she'd tried to gain back home. But this time, it came to her. Over many years and through careful planning, Tinker Bell became the head of the council that ruled the exiled fairies. She was popular and it didn't take much to get the councils support. And little by little she stripped the council of power until she sat on a throne she'd made out of empty promises and fake smiles. She'd earned her spot in Neverland. Tinker Bell became a monarch in pretty much everything but name. She held the majority of the power among the exiles and her word served as law. And with this high profile, Tinker Bell feared that she would become the target of a plot similar to the one she'd schemed up back home. So she set to work making her very own protector. She worked day and night, toiling away to create a being that would always be around to protect her. The result was Peter Pan. Peter became Tinker Bell's bodyguard, but he also became more than that. He became her friend, the only person she ever felt like she could truly trust. They ruled the island, the Queen of Neverland and her bodyguard for centuries, until the Great Exodus came and Tinker Bell decided that Neverland had no more for the pair. And so they left, traveling with the other Tales to the grand new world of New York. It didn't take long for Tink to adapt to the world of humans and learn that the way to the top would take hard work and seedy dealings. So Tinker Bell built an empire around those two things. Taking on the alias of Cassie Jackson, she began lacing the drugs that mortals used with trace amounts of magic in the form of pixie dust, making them far more potent than any human could make. With Peter's help she began selling them around the city, and she soon built up a reputable gang of Tales, both well known and less popular, called the Lost Boys. Now days, Miss Jackson runs the gang, who keeps a tight hold on the docks in the Tales' neighborhood. With the current power vacuum Cassie is looking to user her influence with some of the more drugged up Tales, the ones most reliant on her services, to gain a position of power in the community. [color=springgreen][b]Skills and Abilities:[/b][/color] - Cassie is a fairy, a being of pure magic, which affords her a number of special abilities. Chief among these is her fairy form, which allows her to shrink down into a much smaller form and fly around. Her attunement to magic allows her a number of light offensive and defensive spells, but she truly prefers a gun to anything else. She's become quite fond of them. - Speaking of guns, Cassie has trained in marksmanship since arriving on Earth, and is quite the shot. Many of her adversaries have been warned not to find themselves anywhere near the wrong side of her gun, or they'll be lucky to escape without a bullet in them. - Cassie's learned how to hold her own in combat, and her small size shouldn't be taken lightly, as she knows how to be agile and spritely when faced with hand to hand combat. [color=springgreen][b]Starting Items/Trinkets:[/b][/color] - Faith and Trust: Two twin revolvers that have been enchanted to do special damage to any Tale that get's in her way. She treasures these guns and would wreak havoc on anyone who touched them. [color=springgreen][b]Weaknesses and Flaws:[/b][/color] - Cassie is still a small woman, and while she may be a skilled fighter, a group of just as skilled, stronger Tales could take her down. - Cassie's magic is reliant on pixie dust, a physical manifestation of magic that fairies can create. If she is not in close proximity to any, her powers will be much weaker, sometimes even disallowing her to go into her fairy form. [color=springgreen][b]Other:[/b][/color] - The Lost Boys congregate around the docks, with their headquarters being an abandoned warehouse that they've fixed up. Many of the members are some of the original Lost Boys from Never Land, but there are some occasional members who simply needed money and figured working for Miss Jackson was the best way to do it. - Miss Jackson has very few qualms about selling her drugs to mortals, and in fact does so frequently. This has been frowned upon by a number of Tales, who feels she's risking their safety, but since nothing has happened in the past 15 years of her doing so, they mostly let it slide. [/center][/hider] Finally got something up! Here's Tinker Bell, Peter Pan should be along soon to join her :) If anything needs fixing let me know :D