Caleb had made it quite a distance down the hall from Ambrose's room. Alex was worried. Caleb looked exhausted. While he didn't like what happened, he had forgiven Caleb for what had happened. He understood Caleb did it because he wasn't man enough to do it himself. Still, he could've died, but part of him was thankful that Caleb had done it rather than someone else. He would be dead right now had it been anyone beside Caleb. That he was thankful for, and that was one of the reasons he had forgiven him because he knew how much power Caleb held and how much training he'd gone through with the Headmaster. Everyone knew the Headmaster's reputation and power, and there were people who would kill to be trained by him. The man was old, very old and his wisdom was taken with gratitude. Nonetheless, as Alex neared his room, he stopped and looked at his doorknob for a moment. "Damn Caleb," he said opening his door and entering in. Caleb hadn't heard Ambrose's door close, but when he saw him he wondered what he wanted. He had already made it clear there was nothing left to talk about, granted Caleb still needed to train him, but other than that there was no further need for them to communicate, but traveling in pairs would make for awkward situations; however, it seemed that Ambrose wanted to talk now for some reason and he could only wonder why. Caleb listened to Ambrose apologize and his words made him smile. At least Ambrose knew he was trying to fix things between them. "You don't have to walk with me Ambrose, I'm fine," Caleb said looking at Ambrose. He fell silent for a moment as they walked before speaking again. "If only I got to know you, I could help you with whatever it is you're going through," Caleb said. It wasn't something he planned to say, it just came out. "You have no idea how much I like you, but you.....don't" Caleb suddenly felt very fatigued. His vision began to blur and he shook his head slightly. Then everything went dark and the last thing he remembered was feeling his knees give out. Caleb's unconscious body fell towards Ambrose. [@Catmint]