Obadiah marched through the day with her newfound companions, the sun roaring overhead. She was accustomed to the heat. As they marched, she chattered and commiserated with her allies, telling tales of beast hunting, battle, and drink. She didn't know how Tatsu and the deadman took her stories, but she didn't particularly mind. They helped to pass the time on the long, dusty walk to Nipton. Eventually, as they grew closer to their quarry, Obadiah quieted, preparing for the hunt. Soon, the town was in sight, and she turned off the main road to sneak into the brush. She observed the town a moment, having taking position, just behind the crest of a nearby hill. Something wasn't right, Nipton seemed near empty, with barely any Legion tribe warriors at all. Obadiah could not hide her disappointment as the prospect of anything more than a skirmish was washed away. Yet still, she readied her weapon, and started to make for the town from the north, hopefully away from any searching eyes. Tatsu had the same idea, sneaking in ahead of Obadiah. The human had already taken a Legion warrior, first threatening, then striking him unconscious. This brought the attention of what remained of the Legion warriors, and they engaged, opening fire on Tatsuya. Obadiah lept from her hiding spot, in a shallow alley just up the street from Tatsu. She barreled for the Legionnaires, knocking the first off his feet with a shoulder lunge, before diving forward, and rolling to sweep her club into the second's legs, tossing him to the ground. She cried out in bloodlust, swinging the heavy club down upon the man's helmet thrice, crushing it, and the skull underneath.