Redd emerged from the other side of the bush, disappointed in the lack of red nectar. He then doubled around and came from the same direction they original came for in order to draw less suspicion. He say that another of the newborns was talking to the human. He looked at his make-shift spear, and placed it gently in the roots before approaching any closer. He was no closer to tasting the red nectar than when he was born, though it felt so close. Their was a temptation just to take it by force, but no, he needed a subtler means of achieving his goal. He had heard that you need to join groups in order to learn magic from humans. He had memories he should not have of what groups are and what they do. For him, the magic would only be a tool for him to add to his tool-belt, the his real objective was to gain the trust of the humans. Redd walked up to Sabu, for he did not know if the human spoke his language or not and very bluntly asked, [color=orangered] "I want to join the humans to learn magic." [/color] The line was to emotionless and he technically was not lying, and instead just lying but omission. [@Moonlit Sonata]