[right][h3]Wisp[/h3]Sheila Hopkins [i]Rocker Warehouse[/i][/right][hr] Wisp drifted slowly through the warehouse floor, keeping a distance from the intruder. A suited man in a mask, smoking. She could easily imagine him being the ruler of the city underworld in the near future, with how powerful his power appeared and how ambitious he seemed. While invisible, she slowly and silently wandered on her socks to behind him. Made no sense to approach from any other direction. She drew her knife, but she wasn’t sure what she wanted to do with it. There was stabbing him and going for the kill, but she found the notion nauseating. Much worse than she had thought it would be. She could put the knife against his throat and try to make him submit… but it was all too easy to imagine him breaking her body in half with a mere thought as soon as he was aware of her. She could blind him or stab one of his limbs to incapacitate him… but then maybe he’d send a burst of kinetic energy that’d send her crashing into a wall with at least one broken limb. The whirlwind of things slowed to a stop as Shatterpoint spoke to him. This… could be the opportunity she needed. But, how was he aware of the things around him? Wisp feared he might have a sense for detecting physical bodies around him, in which case she’d be found. … No, that’s silly, she told herself. She had to tell herself that, because this was likely the only chance she’d get. Because ten second later, she was a few meters directly behind him, and the objects had stopped. Wisp started moving forward towards his back. She still wasn’t sure WHAT she’d do if she reached him, but she started moving. Her skill at dodging people would prove valuable as she could keep in mind all the positions of the frozen objects and maneuver through silently without touching any of them, unknowingly supported by her minor Thinker power. However, she was being careful, taking her time. She wouldn’t arrive before at least one more exchange had taken place, and by then, the situation might have changed. [sub][@Eklispe][@Spiffy][/sub]