[@Crimmy] [url=https://lh6.googleusercontent.com/-eQo1ua5ozrg/UDwWqYqEm-I/AAAAAAAABjQ/abA0GJXYt5g/s500/Tsukihi%2520Araragi.jpg][b]Schwarz Cutie Number One[/b][/url] For someone seemingly discussing a violent sibling rivalry, Dawn smiled in a wholly unconcerned manner as she nodded in response, cowlick seeming to almost bob in time with it as if in a dance of approval as Galla caught on. But of course, hair didn't move on its own, right? That'd be silly, regular old humans couldn't make that happen without a particularly wacky semblance. [color=00aeef]"Yep! After a fashion, anyway. Onii-chan's tougher than he looks, and even though he doesn't look like much, I'm sure he'll be fine. Those two have been roughing eachother up since we were all kids, so as long as we get there, we can put a stop to whatever violence may or may not be going on."[/color] To most people, these would be statements worthy of a double-take or at least a wry admission of the absurdity, but a Schwarz was not most people, and Dawn Schwarz was not most Schwarzes. Being the youngest of three siblings whom all at various points in their lives decided to both become Huntsmen like their mother and establish themselves as top dogs of the household, a hearty tussle between two or more of them was simply natural to her. It was just part of life. [color=00aeef]"And besides, even if she did break him a little, now that his semblance is active and his Aura's being developed, he'll bounce back in, like, an hour tops. So no need to really worry, it's more just ensuring things don't get too outta hand, you know?"[/color] She smiled warmly with the question, not in the least concerned that Galla's expression hadn't once yet changed. [hr] [url=https://notakublog.files.wordpress.com/2012/01/nisemonogatari-02-karen.png][b]Schwarz Cuties Number Two and Three[/b][/url] [color=ffcf40]"So..."[/color] [b]"So."[/b] April fidgeted, her mindfulness of the myriad of important stuff in the room keeping her from her usual method of burning off her manic energy— walking around on her hands. At least, that was my guess at it. Don't ask me how she still had any left to burn after sprinting here from the edge of the campus grounds near the docks. [color=ffcf40]"How's having a weapon and all that treating you?"[/color] [b]"It's good."[/b] I replied shortly. I wasn't mad at her at this point, it was hard for any of us to stay that way for long after whatever conflict we had was resolved— I was, however, really trying to concentrate here. The little motorized mechanism was beginning to make sense... [color=ffcf40]"Oh. I should really look at one, then."[/color] ...What? I looked up from the work I had just been absorbed in, affixing a quizzical frown on the colossal fifteen year old. There were so many things about that statement that raised so many questions, I scarcely knew where to even begin... [b]"April, that's not a normal thing to say from someone well entrenched into their Signal career."[/b] [color=ffcf40]"Yeah, well, Hunting is all about not being normal!"[/color] she folded her arms with a huff. Okay, I get it, this is a sore subject, but at least let me know a few things. [b]"Okay... You actually need one?"[/b] [color=ffcf40]"I've managed just fine with my Overdriving my punches and kicks in combat, but I can't keep that up forever. As fights get longer the drain on my stamina's gonna catch up with me."[/color] Woah, it's like they taught her how to think ahead in that school! Is this really April I'm talking to here? [color=ffcf40]"Whatever you're thinking, don't make me hit you."[/color] Okay yeah it was [b]"Well, I mean... I'm just surprised, is all. After Dawn came up with the bowblade stuff I'd have figured you to have done the same-- You've really been at it for this long without a weapon to your name?"[/b] [color=ffcf40]"Yeah, and let me tell you, it makes Armory assignments a huge pain in the butt. I gotta use surplus stuff that's always all old and wonky... I was honestly considering just grabbing a Kanabo from home, but I feel like I'd get laughed outta the room..."[/color] What. [b]"April, anybody who laughs at the prospect of you wielding a heavy club doesn't [i]know[/i] you. That's a scary proposition!"[/b] She snorted, glaring down her nose at me. [color=ffcf40]"Aren't [i]you[/i] the master of backhanded compliments?"[/color] I wasn't... Ugh. I don't need this. I'm just trying to get this damn part encoded in my head so I know what I need for the replacement... weapon... I could kill so many birds with one stone here. [b]"Hey, tell you what."[/b] [color=ffcf40]"What?"[/color] [b]"You're still managing to do well in those classes, right? You're good with the mechanics of most weaponry?"[/b] She frowned earnestly now, not sure of my meaning. [color=ffcf40]"Yeah, of course. I can't be Mom's rightful successor if I don't know how things work."[/color] "Rightful Successor"... I'm sorry but I don't think you do know how things work. Anyways. [b]"I said I was looking to examine the working parts of the drillbit for a replacement weapon, right?"[/b] [color=ffcf40]"Yeah?"[/color] she replied, urging me to continue with a roll of the wrist as her eyes widened. [b]"I'm obviously gonna be using that from then on."[/b] [color=ffcf40]"..."[/color] [b]"So if you give me a hand with this, you can feel free to take these--"[/b] I held up the gauntlets in each hand with a smirk. [b]"--off of mine. Sound good to you?"[/b] [color=ffcf40]"..."[/color] She grew deathly still and pale, like a deer caught in headlights, and for a moment I thought I'd screwed up. A beat. [b]"...Ap?"[/b] Two beats. [b]"I'm serious, you can probably use them better than me--WHOARGHGK!"[/b] [url=http://25.media.tumblr.com/e48be1a947af71b4d58480055f6d2696/tumblr_mukom7BRo51qjcfvio1_500.gif]I think[/url] [url=http://25.media.tumblr.com/6a519b8c3b1c6646f967d2fc189f89eb/tumblr_mukom7BRo51qjcfvio3_500.gif]my sternum[/url] [url=http://25.media.tumblr.com/258a52937344c15b64aeb7856a3e90a0/tumblr_mukom7BRo51qjcfvio2_500.gif]collapsed.[/url]