Phoebe glanced about them, curiously. Over the course of her training, Phoebe had taken pains to understand weapons, although she wasn’t particularly efficient with them yet. Something she wanted to rectify. And it seemed, the sooner the better. “I might just...rely on my abilities for this. I haven’t really worked with weapons, for a while…” She said, looking to Katherin who seemed intent on finding a weapon. She watched her friend, and then smiled slightly, “Hey, Kat? Have you ever thought of like, a cyroblaster? You could fuel it with your own a freeze gun type thing” Perhaps it wasn't wise to be talking like this, but the idea had just come in her mind, and she wanted to see what her friend thought. [hr][hr] Kalinda watched Griffin a moment, before she followed him, looking up at the swords, she pursed her lips, studying them. Glinda had little skill with swords, and knew she should try them, yet. So she shifted, moving over to the guns, she picked one up. She chose one, and grabbed the right bullets for it, slipping it into her belt, she grabbed another one, doing the same, and then looked back to Griffin, knowing he could handle himself she nevertheless wanted to check on him. Shee what he was using. [hr][hr] Trusting Kijani, Connor took to the air, quickly doing an aerial scan, he then dropped down by Kijani, his visor retreating for a moment, he gave her an encouraging smile, crouching, and examining the building. “Hm. I think we will have to be careful, but we should be alright to go ahead” he said [@Mistress Dizzy][@KatherinWinter]