Ken Vector had been asleep when the alarm started blaring. After all, there was nothing to do in this hellhole other than sleep a broken sleep, eat the food not worthy of a dog, plot impossible escapes, or exercise in what little space he had. Admittedly he was surrounded by other cells, and could have spoken with the other inhabitants, but he looked at them all with disdain. Why bother himself with the plebiscite inferiors. They were beneath him, as were these monstrosities. Anything so weak and insignificant to rely on numbers did not deserve to be considered as intelligent life. It was only natural, that with an ego and his sense of self importance, he was grumpy and irritable to be woken up early. "Which one of you imbecilic simpletons roused me prematurely!?" Ken was left slightly shocked when he saw a human standing before the cell, ushering him to hurry. "I don't need your assistance, wench. I can manage this on my own!" She hurried on, and as he watched, zapped the others out of their cells. He would never admit it, but he was slightly impressed. Only slightly. "Okay, fine. Get me out of here you insufferable curr. Only reason you would risk this venture is because you need our powers. You cannot afford to leave any of us behind." He stuck his hands through the bars. "Do it, bit..." He didn't get to finish his sentence before he was teleported out of his own personal hell of a cell, and into the hallway, cutting his sentence off as nausea roiled over him. "Not getting used to that..."