Western Brotherhood of Steel Nation Sheet: [hider=Western Brotherhood] Name: Western Brotherhood of Steel Flag (picture or description): https://vignette2.wikia.nocookie.net/fallout/images/4/4d/BoS_logo.png/revision/latest?cb=20150724004437 Territory: Eastern Washington, Northern Idaho and Western Montana History: The Western Brotherhood has a long history. You already know most of it. But you do not know all of it. Since the fall of the Enclave in the west, the Brotherhood has, endured. Whilst the fall of the enclave strengthened the Brotherhood, what with the scavenged power armour, Vertibirds and energy weaponry, as well as moving on Navarro and taking what they could from there, the Council of Elders made a mistake. Attacking the NCR. The first attacks were devastating, and had they been followed up, would perhaps have crushed the NCR. However, in their hubris, the Council of the Elders believed that a message had been sent, and that the NCR would negotiate for peace. When the counterattacks came, the Elders realised that what they fought would be a short conflict, was turning into a war. The NCR-Brotherhood war was the Western Brotherhoods darkest hour. The tide slowly, and inevitably, turning against the Brotherhood. Despite some victories, such as the destruction of the NCR’s gold reserves, eventually, the Brotherhood was forced to retreat to their bunkers, with the only patrols being those deemed of the utmost necessity. One act taken in these days was a decision to create a new chapter and send it east, under-strength and under-equipped, this chapter would later become the East Coast Chapter of the Brotherhood of Steel, but their story is their own. During these dark days, the Council of Elders convened and argued over what path to take, the divisions were stark. It was then, that the worst came to pass. Communications from the Mojave Chapter, suddenly ceased. Weeks passed, before, finally, the survivors of a ragged patrol reached a Brotherhood Outpost. The Mojave chapter had been destroyed, betrayed from within by an adult initiate who would later be learned to be the one called “The Courier”. With the strains of the past year too much, the High Elder of the time, Tiberius, suffered a heart attack that saw him die after three days. The Council of the Elders once again convened, and with the numbers even on the council being considered few, agreed on two things. Firstly, that the current position of the Brotherhood was untenable. And that survival of the Brotherhood would require some change, if only for a brief time. At that meeting, it was decided to elect the new High Elder, and by unanimous(If grudging on some parts) agreement, the figure chosen was Atticus Gladstone, a centrist figure on the Council who could claim matrilineal descent to the Maxson lineage. Once inaugurated, Atticus made immediate decisions. The Brotherhood would migrate north-east wards, to Idaho. With the NCR increasingly distracted by the Legion in the east, the Brotherhood quietly evacuated their outposts and shifted resources north. A vanguard was sent to link up with the Montana Bunker and carve out a place of settlement. The full force of the Brotherhood then migrated once it was discovered that the Grand Coulee was, whilst not wholly intact, within the Brotherhoods power to restore to full workability. By 2292, the entire brotherhood had moved into their new lands. The entire western coast brotherhood had been concentrated in a single place. No more scattered outposts across the length and breadth of the pacific seaboard. The old bunkers along the coast were stripped bare and destroyed with thermite, radiation and whatever else could be thought of to deny the NCR their usage. The Brotherhoods rule was swift and imposing, it was decided that recruits were needed, but that such recruits should be fully loyal to the Brotherhood. To that end, the local tribes in the area were brought to heel. Those that opposed the Brotherhood were wholly and totally destroyed, the young were kept as recruits, the rest were disposed of. The tribes that decided to surrender were made vassals, providing infant and teenage recruits, food and subservience in exchange for protection, internal autonomy, electricity and clean water. In recent years, the Brotherhood has found safety from threats without. Efforts to restore the system of Hydroelectric dams in the region are progressing with speed, each dam that is restored further strengthens the Brotherhood. With a state of industrial capacity rapidly approaching, the Brotherhood might finally be able to restore themselves to a level comparable to the days of their peak before the war with the NCR. However, what now threatens the Brotherhood most, are threats within. With increasing knowledge of the Midwestern Brotherhood permeating the ranks, divisions are growing. The Circle of Steel believing the Brotherhood should return to the old ways, the more radical elements split between those who believe that Barnaky may have been a prophet of a new way, rather than a traitor. And fewer still, who have recently learned of the efforts of Father Elijah at the Sierra Madre. Above all this, High Elder Gladstone struggles to hold the Brotherhood together, and even worse still, looks around, realising that perhaps their brief period of safety from the threats without, is drawing to a close. Population: 120,000 all told. However, this is split between the vassal tribes and the Brotherhood of Steel proper. With the Brotherhood proper numbering 20,000, and the vassal tribes making up the rest of the population. Government/Domestic Politics: The Council of Elders reigns at the top with the High Elder at their head, with the ranks having only recently replenished. Beneath them come the heads of the various Orders, and finally, below that the bulk of the Brotherhood. The tribal groups have their representation through the Court of Suzerains, paying homage to the Head Elders as Overlord of the Suzerains. In old times, there weren’t any politics within the Brotherhood, disputes were usually settled with a new chapter being formed, and the disruptive members being sent somewhere with this Chapter, as was the case with the Midwestern Brotherhood. The news of the demise of the Mojave Brotherhood was enough to unite the Western Chapters for a while, but with that memory now in the past, divisions among members are once again returning to the fore. Military: 16,000 altogether. 1,000 Paladins(Power Armour), 5,000 Knights(Combat or Recon Armour), 10,000 Neophytes(Leather Armour). The Western Brotherhood of Steel has fallen back on traditionalism, if slightly more accommodating for the changes that have taken place. The current rank structure places the High Elder at the top, followed by the Elders, with the Head Paladins next, followed by Paladin-Commanders, followed by Paladin-Sergeants, followed by Paladins, followed by Neophytes. Currently, the Paladins number 1,000 and are all armoured in Power Armour scavenged over the years and armed with their weaponry of choice. Next are the Knights numbering roughly 5,000, arrayed in steel-grey daubed combat armour or recon armour and armed with energy weapons at the higher ranks, but mainly with assault rifles and the like. And should the circumstances be dire, the levy can be called, and the Neophytes brought to the field in leathers, furs and whatever weaponry they might have and can be provided. The Brotherhood has no navy. It does have an air force of roughly ten Vertibirds in varying stages of workability though it does have the full schematics for Vertibirds, they have no way to produce them, they can only repair them currently. Economy: Currently, the Brotherhood of Steel has engaged in a feudalistic economy, in exchange for protection and clean water, the local tribes provide recruits, resources and agricultural produce for the brotherhood. Culture and Technology (include views towards slavery and mutants): The Brotherhood is neutral on the issue of slavery outside of their lands. Inside, it’s been abolished through force so as to ensure harmony among the vassals. The Western Brotherhood keeps to the old mantra on the mutant. Tolerate not the Mutant. Currently, the Brotherhood recruits through a process of preferable infant recruitment following genetic screening. This enables tribal identities to be erased and the new recruits raised as fully functioning members of the brotherhood. Teenage initiates are recruited, but are given a brutal system of trials to pass, as well as psychological induction to ensure loyalty. Since the destruction of the Mojave chapter, adult initiates are forbidden. The technology of the Brotherhood is of an advanced level. With extensive knowledge of pre-war technology, and a slight level of innovation concerning post-war technology. Able to repair almost all pre-war technology, they can produce new technology albeit slowly. However, with the activation of the Grand Coulee, the power needs of the Brotherhood have become obsolete, and the Brotherhood now looks to attaining a fully industrial powerbase from which to ensure that never again are they driven to the old days of desperation. Religion: Strictly Secular. Though recently the High Elder has been concerned with the “Lodges of Maxson” that have apparently spread through the ranks with links to the Circle of Steel, as well as even more insidious rumours necessitating secret investigations into apparent meetings of a “Cult of Steel” centring around the Midwestern figure of the traitor Barnaky. Not to mention recent discovery of mentions of a radical faction known as “The Disciples of Elijah”. [/hider]