David sighed, looking over various reports and files in the office below his apartment. A cigarette hung from his lips, and a sealed flask sat within arms reach upon the desk. Reports of supernatural occurrences were becoming increasingly common in the recent weeks, and it had been keeping David very busy. His contacts in the Kindred community, various ghouls that knew of him through reputation and his work, had told him of Prince Lacroix's recent moves. There'd been an increasing number of demonic possessions, and subsequently exorcisms, most being performed by the same strange youth. The mages were seeming to ramp up their backroom scheming and dealings, with rumors of a truce between the two major factions seeming to exist. Taking a deep inhale on his cigarette, David set the files aside and turned to his laptop. Though he didn't necessarily agree with her practices, or even the existence of her magazine, David didn't deny that Jacki's [i]Occult Digest[/i] was a useful source of news, if one could filter out the speculation. [h2]Mummy Found in Tomb Outside Cairo, 3 Suspected Deaths! President Seen Avoiding Sunlight, Spending More Time Awake at Night, Is He a Vampire? Recent Spur of Exorcisms in L.A. Area, Youth With Obscured Face Becomes Religious Prodigy.[/h2] Clicking on this link, David read through the article, about how a young man, vastly gifted in the arts of exorcisms, had been making headway in L.A., aided by an older priest known as Father Walter. Reports of the youth go back several weeks, with one of the earliest ones speaking of a case David was all too familiar with... The Cult of Postquam vitae mors. That was the cult that David had ended up getting captured by. He remembered being captured as he entered what was believed to be the cult's hideaway. He found himself tied to an alter and subject to a strange ritual. His memories were vague after that, but he distinctly remembered feeling out of control of his own body, like something else had taken over, burying his own soul deep within his subconscious. Then he remembers a fight, some dreams about what he believes to be a war, and then waking up in his own apartment, with a message from the client who had hired him on the case thanking him for saving his family member. This report, about the boy stopping the cult's attempt to supposedly summon a Demon, matched perfectly with David's memories. Clearly he had this kid to thank for saving him from the Demon in question. Deciding a proper thanks was in order, he decided to shoot this 'Father Walther' a message. Looking up his contact info through the website linked in the news article, he would call his listed number, seeking to arrange a meetup at a local diner. He sent an email to Bowyer as well, asking him to arrive to the meeting if he could. He hadn't spoken to Bowyer in a few weeks, since the encounter with the cult, and he wanted to see the man again. Deciding to round out the meetup, he called the kid, Damien, who had come asking for a job. The kid deserved to learn the real workings of the world, and this was probably the best way as any. [@Metronome][@Wraithblade6]