[hr][hr][h1][center][color=0072bc]Anton G'iscard "L'étincelle"[/color][/center][/h1][hr][hr] The others kept on jogging or running past him, especially Kaneda who in the blink of an eye had presumably broken the record two-fold, and was even going at it again! Anton would have chuckled and congratulated the Asian for his feat, but firstly he still didn't trust the Asian. Secondly, there was already too much talking going on. No, not talking; arguing and harassing. While Anton was far from being close to the others, he could still hear bits and pieces of the conversation. He was not going to like Oscar any time soon. Anton took his time in running up and down the mountain. By the time he had come back down to the barracks, he was sweating like a pig and panting like a dog. He heard his heart pounding in his ears, but he didn't fall down on his knees. Oh no, he was too proud to do that. He had gotten up and down in a respectable time after all, without cheating! And as soon as they had gotten down, Captain David announced what was waiting for them in the cantina; spaghetti. [color=0072bc]"Let me guess. It is not proper Napolitanian spaghetti?"[/color] Anton asked no one in particular as he made his way inside the barracks to change. If there was one thing he didn't like about America, it was their strange taste of food. Or rather, they strange way of stealing other nation's food and making it their own, only worse. [color=0072bc]They made it so that people like you could complain about something. Merde, Oscar, do you do anything except complaining? [/color]