[hr][hr][center][h1][color=#00ff00]Jack Hudson[/color][/h1][img]https://s16.postimg.org/gjthyfpv9/image.png[/img][hr][color=00ff00][b]Location[/b][/color]: The Rec Center (Building 7)[/center][hr][hr]Jack chuckled a bit, knowing that James was probably only half-joking about the booze comment. If Tatiana wanted to keep it for themselves or share it, he figured it'd be up to her. But as someone who enjoyed alcohol, he was perhaps more than a little stoked about the Captain's gift. It wasn't often in Newnan that you could get a decent drink, after all. [color=00ff00]"Thanks, solovey,"[/color] Jack grinned, kissing Tatiana's cheek as she helped him get all situated. The flirting back and forth between Miss Sally and Lyon caused Jack's jaw to drop a little bit, as he glanced back as Tatiana, as if to say [i]when'd that happen?![/i] Still, old people have needs too, he figured. And with the amount of hate going on between the French and the English, he supposed it wasn't too weird for it to turn into something more, here in Newnan. Taking Tatiana's hand--the one in her lap--Jack nodded, a bit of a mischievous grin on his face. He was about one hundred percent certain that Ash was about to [i]get some[/i], and man, Ash seemed to need it. As soon as Tatiana finished, he jumped in with his two cents on the matter. Of course, part of him was subconsciously hoping he'd end up agreeing with Miss Sally--she did, after all, control the food in Newnan. [color=00ff00]"The way I see it, Ash's been waitin' for a reason to let his hair down,"[/color] Jack began. [color=00ff00]"A navy chick might do just the trick--happened with cops all the time. Easiah to open up to another uni than a civilian."[/color] He paused for a moment, looking at Tatiana. He was still in awe that he was actually married to such an amazing person. [color=00ff00]"Hell, it'll be good for the Captain, I bet, if those two do the do."[/color] [hr][hr][center][h1][color=#23D5B7]Beatrice Decker[/color][/h1][img]https://s23.postimg.org/t4mnxqxsr/Screen_Shot_2017-03-30_at_1.31.58_PM.png[/img][hr][color=#23D5B7][b]Location[/b][/color]: The Rec Center (Building 7)[/center][hr][hr]Beatrice finished fixing up a plate for herself at the buffet table, smiling ever so slightly at James' concoctions. He was one of the few people in Newnan that she considered to be a good friend, someone that she would let her guard down with, ever so slightly. Those that knew her now--and especially those that knew her before--would recognize what a rare thing that was. As she headed back to the table and sat down, munching lightly on her food, she noticed that Kris had left. Eh, it was no sweat off her back. Had they been friends, maybe. But she was just a stranger to Beatrice, just another person who helped keep Newnan running, and the walkers at bay. She didn't need to be close with anyone--hell, she was close with very few people in general. And while she had sat down at the table since she knew Tiffany, the woman was [i]still[/i] going on about weddings with Ray. She kept the distaste off of her face, instead deciding to finish eating her plate, and then head on home. She had had more than her fill when it came to weddings. She didn't belong in places like this, and she couldn't help but feel that it showed. Additionally, she couldn't help but feel disappointed that the fluffy asshole, the cat, hadn't shown up. She loved cats. [hr][hr][center][h1][color=ff6600]Chloe Ridgeway[/color][/h1][img]https://s8.postimg.org/ktclnzfol/chloe7.gif[/img][/center][hr][center][b][color=ff6600]Location[/color][/b]: Gilbert Street ---> Heading South on Lagrange[/center][hr][hr]The instant Chloe turned her back on Ryan, she imagined the layout of Newnan in her mind. She didn't imagine that Ryan's walk would take him in the same direction as her. It'd be counterproductive to clearing his head, after all. As she hit the end of Gilbert street, where it became Lagrange, Chloe paused for a moment. Turn to the left and she'd be headed towards the reception, where all of the happy and beautiful people would be discussing their almost-happy and nearly-beautiful lives. Her sister would be there, singing away, and having the time of her life. Chloe smiled weakly and turned right, moving quickly as to vanish from Ryan's line of sight, just in case he watched her leave. Newnan's resident shrink had been trying to get her to open up, to speak about the past and the demons that hanged over her like shadows. And while she normally preferred to bottle it all up, as she had done her entire life, it was one of the rare moments when Chloe wouldn't have minded talking to someone. Did it ultimately matter that Ryan had meant something else? Her brain was swimming with memories of a time where that was normal. Addiction was hard to shake, and in a women's prison, the guards were predators. Services rendered kept the drugs flowing, under the guise of bartering, rather than the far harsher and truer word. She shook slightly, trying to keep those memories at bay, but they came forward nonetheless. It was like a dam had burst, with any attempts to repair it impossible. She felt filthy, as hot tears poured down her face, and she continued to walk down the street, almost aimlessly. Chloe had an urge to take soap and scrub every inch of her body, as if that would somehow help her to keep the nightmares at bay. Those memories...those memories were some of the very worst, some of the ones that she always tried her very hardest to repress, to forget. [i]Tuesday.[/i] The name was dead to her, or so she claimed, but she knew she'd still answer to it. No matter how much she attempted to deny that part of herself, it was still there, threatening to reemerge. She bit down hard on the inside of her lip, as if that would somehow restore emotional balance in her brain, but nothing seemed to help. She only felt herself slipping more and more into despair. What control did she have over her own life, after all? What control did she ever have before? Her parents had decided for her, from a very young age, what she would grow up to become. The only choice that she had ever made for herself had led her down a path of drugs and addiction, trading one extreme for the other. Did her sense of self exist at one of those extremes? Or was there some balance between the two of them? Chloe, or perhaps Tuesday, or perhaps even both, did not have an answer. She continued to walk down the stress, drowning in her thoughts and memories. [hr][hr][center][h1][color=00ccff]Ravi Chakrabarti[/color][/h1][img]http://68.media.tumblr.com/c1d8b803fb118e8a5d21160c64b41bad/tumblr_inline_o9ry7tizrj1txmes7_250.gif[/img][hr][color=00ccff][b]Location[/b][/color]: Outside of Newnan[/center][hr][hr]Ravi rolled his eyes, tugging on the fabric of his lab coat. He still wore it over his jumper and undershirt, more as a force of habit than anything else. But then again, it also helped to remind him of the world that used to be--it was a way of keeping him alive, rather than just surviving each day that came. [color=00ccff]"I think I'll stick with this, mate,"[/color] Ravi said, chuckling a bit. [color=00ccff]"I'm much better at autopsies than making any Southern [i]comforts[/i] for Gavin [i]Comfort[/i]."[/color] As the wall loomed into sight, Ravi felt both hopeful and wary. Anyone with the time on their hands to construct a wall had to be doing well--but wouldn't that also be true of the monsters who ultimately killed that poor woman? But true to form, Gavin merely waltzed up to the wall, with Ravi scrambling after him. [color=00ccff]"Are you sure this is a good idea?"[/color] Ravi hissed quietly. [color=00ccff]"We don't bloody know who these people are!"[/color] He glanced down at the odd tracks, almost stumbling in confusion. He couldn't quite fathom something that would look like that--but the more he saw, the less he liked it. And as they were demanded to identify themselves, Ravi nearly threw his hands up in defeat. Now they had [i]guns[/i] pointed at them, and his official identification was [i]heterolifemate.[/i] [color=00ccff]"Newnan?"[/color] Ravi asked, glancing over at Gavin, before looking up at the wall, squinting to make anything out. [color=00ccff]"You're right, mate. This definitely [i]isn't[/i] Peachtree City. But for all we know, we could be in bloody Kansas right now."[/color]