Thomas was rather perturbed by the extra commotion outside her dungeon. It was disturbing her tracking of the armorless guards who kept her under some evil spell. She began tracking their movements in hopes of breaking free from this cursed place. Her captor came in introducing some brat. She paid no attention to the words, as barbaric and uneducated as they were. The brat especially sounded like an imbecile. She been lulling them into a false sense of security but they still were kept under some evil spell which proved some sort of intelligence but nothing would keep a knight down, just make it harder. She stared at the imbecilic child before her, eyeing him up and down scanning for weaknesses. Truly remarkable how a weak, pathetic child like this could survive. As soon as her captor felt the brat was safe or whatever he left. "Telleth me whither I am." The imbecilic child clearly did not understand the King's English. Thus was far stupider than she initially thought and of absolutely no use. "Hence with thee!" She shoved the imbecilic child away. The imbecilic child took the shoving as provocation to attack. Even under the spell this imbecilic child was no match for her. She broke his arm like a twig. Which caused the imbecilic child to scream and cry like a baby. The armorless guards came in and put her further under the spell of her captor. "I wilt killeth thee." She mumbled just as she was rendered unconscious.