[h3][center][color=fdc68a]Since Calomel's become their toast How many patients have they lost- How many thousands do they kill, Or poison with their Calomel?[/color][/center][/h3] [hider=I got lazy and unmotivated please don't bring up the wonky anatomy //wHEEZES] [img]https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/312372450660712449/312395790112784384/calomel.png[/img] [/hider] [b]Gem:[/b] Calomel [b]Name if you gem goes by a different name:[/b] [REDACTED] [b]Abilities:[/b] [REDACTED] [b]Items: [/b] - Twin pistols with a distinctive steam-punk feel, her summoned weapons. - Stiletto daggers, created by [REDACTED] back when [REDACTED] was still part of [REDACTED] - [REDACTED] [b]Backstory:[/b] [REDACTED] [b]Writing example: [/b] [hider=Vague because I want to avoid more redactions and though she's already accepted with the full CS among the GMs I feel bad] The days blended together. There was so little in her room - white walls, white ceiling, white bars, white gloves, white shackles, white shards, white white white white, picking and prodding and muttering among each other beyond her walls, as if she couldn't hear anything. None of it made much sense - something about successful samples and defective gems. Some voices she recognized as old friends. Or were they old foes? Was there a difference at this point? She shook her head, not allowing her thoughts to wander. They weren't watching her. [color=fdc68a][i]Take a breath. Focus. Aim.[/i][/color] She was wasting precious moments free from supervision. Who knew how long until she got a chance like this again? A spark of hope was re-lit - tentatively, she moved the hands she couldn't see, enough to test her binds, but not enough to make too much noise. Still tight as ever. She silently cursed the diamonds, frown deepening and heels digging into the floor. Nothing in the room would help her, even if she could reach them. She was ready to scream of frustration, the only thing holding her back was that there really was a way out, instead only having it come out as a silent hiss. And then it hit her like a brick. Choked, delirious giggled bubbled within her as she pressed her sweaty palms closer to the cuffs, wincing as it dug into her skin, desperation giving her the strength she thought she lost all too long ago. Maybe, just maybe, the very thing that got her in this mess, could get her out of it. [/hider] [b]Anything extra you'd like to add:[/b] [REDACTED]