[@SmileyJaws] Hope she's ok ^_^ [hider=Anima] [img]https://cyborgphotos.files.wordpress.com/2012/10/cyborgphotos-wordpress-com-cyborg_lady_painting.jpg[/img][color=c4df9b][center][sub] That's how her face looks [/sub][/center][/color] [b][color=gray]Name:[/color][/b] [color=silver] [i] Amenthis "Anima" Idolum[/i] [/color] [b] [color=gray]Age: [/color] [/b] [color=silver] [i] 27 [/i] [/color] [b] [color=gray]Sex: [/color] [/b] [color=silver] [i]Female[/i] [/color] [b] [color=gray]Gender: [/color] [/b] [color=silver] [i]Female[/i] [/color] [b] [color=gray]Notoriety [/color] [/b] [color=silver] [i]+3[/i] [/color] [b] [color=gray]Appearance: [/color] [/b] [color=silver] [i] Anima is 1.92 meters high and has a slim build. Her hair has a metallic tint. She is always wearing something that obscures her face. [/i] [/color] [b] [color=gray]Personality: [/color] [/b] [color=silver] [i] [/i] [/color] [center][i]Trustworthy – Vengeful – Calculated – No-Bull Attitude[/i][/center] [b] [color=gray]Bio: [/color] [/b] [color=silver] [i]Anima, born Amenthis Idolum was born into a family of cops. Her parents and grandparents and most of her family were cops or studied law and became lawyers. Amenthis was not an exception, as soon as she was able to do so, she enrolled in the Police Academy and soon became a Police officer. A year later, while on a case, her partner was killed by a gang and Amenthis, despite being told not to take on the gang alone and wait for backup, she went after them. They cornered her and gave her the beating that killed her or so that's what they thought it happened. The reality was that almost every bone in her body was broken and a few organs were beyond repair. Medics came and deemed her too far gone to do anything but a cyborg-specialist doctor decided to further her research on cybernetics and stole her body. Amenthis was declared dead to the public but she was kept alive by machines until her surgery began. 80% of her body was changed into robotic parts, only her hearth and brain remained human as those were the only ones not destroyed. For two years, tests were run on Anima to be sure she was fully functional and she was but while Anima's brain was supposedly scrubbed clean of memories it didn't work and Anime remembered her old life. She understood that she couldn't present herself to her family like she and after killing the doctor and destroyed any evidence that would point out to her existence she disappeared. A year later, Anima resurfaced and decided to put her skills as a cop and her new abilities to use as a bounty hunter. [/i] [/color] [b] [color=gray]District: [/color] [/b] [color=silver] [i] DST-13-EAST [/i] [/color] [b] [color=gray]Weapon(s): [/color] [/b] [color=silver] [i] [/i] [/color] [hider=Sniper Rifle] [img]https://s17.postimg.org/b4wrl53wf/dadad.png[/img] [/hider] [hider=Sword] [img]http://vignette2.wikia.nocookie.net/sao/images/c/cb/Kleins_Katana_(ALO).png/revision/latest?cb=20141027183524&path-prefix=de[/img] [/hider] [hider=Pistol] [img]http://berlincity2092.pbworks.com/f/1370734865/pistol_concept_by_proxygreen-d5sfsbt.jpg[/img] [/hider] [b] [color=gray]Armour: [/color] [/b] [color=silver] [i] [/i] [/color] [hider=Armour] [img]https://s21.postimg.org/3v75j9g87/nanana.png[/img] [/hider] [b] [color=gray]Cybernetics: [/color] [/b] [color=silver] [i] Cybernetic Left & Right Arm : A cheaper model that doesn't look human if looked at it from close range. Stronger than a normal human arm but not too strong. Cybernetic Eyes - Can accurately zoom in the distance, see the environmental conditions (wind, temperature) speed of moving objects and some other basic things. Early model but precise. Cybernetic Legs - Allows Anima to jump higher than a normal human and run at greater speeds but they don't look human and are of a cheaper model of parts. Cybernetic Organs - They simply permit Anima to live. [/i] [/color] [b] [color=gray]Account Balance: [/color] [/b] [color=silver] [i]2500creds[/i] [/color] [b][color=gray]Other:[/color] [color=silver] [i]- The lower part of her face is made from metal. - Carries a kit and some spare parts in a backpack to allow her to make repairs on the road [/i] [/color][/b] [/hider]