Quinton paced back and forth inside the cell. His taut, defined frame didn't befall one who, had he not been restrained, would fly into a rage and freeze over this entire prison. Alarm snares didn't bother him so much as the questions which ran through his head: [color=teal][i]Why now[/i]?[/color] [color=teal][i]Who is this woman?[/i][/color] All of his pondering was in some way beside the matter. All importance fell upon the fact that he was free, and soon he would see the world again; perhaps he would even return to Cabrini-Green, amass a militia! Defeat the infidels! Take over th--okay, maybe a bit too zealous. Nonetheless, he was transported out of his cell and there he stood, sights pinned on others mere inches to a few feet away from him--all, he presumed, were powered. This block was where they kept all the creeps like himself. Well, now they were all free from their cells, but how were they going to get out of a prison infested with the same aliens who captured and brought them here in the first place? Time to wait and see.