[b][color=662d91]Roleplay:[/color][/b] Soulless Regency [b][color=662d91]Date of post:[/color][/b] December 27, 2016 [b][color=662d91]Character:[/color][/b] Fyror Gallant Kildragon [hr] [hr][hr][center][img]http://fontmeme.com/permalink/161203/27a034e8ea53c1b04481b19ad78c9a9c.png[/img][/center] [center][img]http://i68.tinypic.com/66dpxw.jpg[/img][/center] [center][b][color=DC143C]Location:[/color][/b] Inn near Hyde Park --> Hyde Park [/center][hr][hr] After spending two days traveling by carriage from Colchester to London, Fyror and his brother Leon were both restless. Instead of staying inside, they opted to go for a stroll in Hyde Park. They left their rooms on the third floor and briskly descended several flights of stairs down to the ground floor. They tipped their hats in a simple greeting to those they passed by. It felt a bit muggy when they stepped outside. Slivers of light peeked through the clouds in the sky, and the weather hinted at the possibility of rain. Nevertheless, Fyror happily breathed in the fresh air, feeling more relaxed by it. Fyror and Leon took in their surroundings as they walked at a leisurely pace from the inn to Hyde Park. The number of people steadily increased the closer they got to their destination. Snippets of conservations could be heard as people passed them by. To Fyror’s displeasure, gossip seemed to be rampant in these parts. He was not fond of such talk and refused to be a part of it as he himself had often been the topic of people’s criticism. He knew how it felt, how it etched away parts of yourself, and he certainly would not wish that upon anyone. Dressed as they were in their infantry uniforms, Fyror and Leon garnered a fair amount of attention. Several women walking with their escorts glanced in the men’s direction. One woman in particular caught Fyror’s eye as she smiled over at him. Just as he tipped his hat in greeting, he saw her smile quickly fade and a look of disgust cross her delicate features. Fyror quickly looked away and tried his best to mask the hurt from his expression. This was his life as he knew it. Hope would flare up in him just to be quickly dashed. It was easier to just believe that no woman would ever want him and instead focus his attentions on his work. It did not take long for them to arrive at Hyde Park. As they walked, more gossip and snickering reached Fyror’s well attuned ears. His gaze took in his surroundings and soon found the subject of everyone’s berating, a woman wearing men’s clothes. In the moment, her attire mattered little to him as his protective nature flared up. His jaw clenched angrily as people indiscreetly mocked her. Why did people find enjoyment at the expense of others?! When Fyror heard his brother Leon snicker the slightest, he quickly shot him a warning glare that told him he better shut up or else. Fyror’s gaze softened when he met the woman’s gaze. [color=DC143C]“Good day, miss,”[/color] he greeted her politely when they crossed paths. He gave her a kind smile, not caring what others thought of him. If he could brighten her day even the slightest, he would be thoroughly pleased.