[b][color=662d91]Roleplay:[/color][/b] Soulless Regency [b][color=662d91]Date of post:[/color][/b] January 9, 2017 [b][color=662d91]Character:[/color][/b] Fyror Gallant Kildragon [hr] [hr][hr][center][img]http://fontmeme.com/permalink/161203/27a034e8ea53c1b04481b19ad78c9a9c.png[/img][/center] [center][img]http://i68.tinypic.com/66dpxw.jpg[/img][/center] [center][b][color=DC143C]Location:[/color][/b] Hyde Park --> Wyndham Estate [/center][hr][hr] Fyror easily caught up to Jeanette as she hurried out of Hyde Park at a sprint. He matched her pace as he came up alongside her. They then spent the next several minutes running next to each other in a relatively comfortable silence. Relatively is the operative word as he was well aware that more Soulless could be nearby, watching and waiting for an opportune moment to strike. If a Cargast could successfully breach Jericho’s Barricade, he had no doubt that other Soulless would soon follow suit. And why would they not? After all, London was a ripe hunting ground stocked full of potential prey. With that in mind, Fyror carefully surveyed the terrain as they headed for a nearby church, intent on reporting the horrid incident that had just occurred in Hyde Park. To scan his surroundings, Fyror had to swivel his head further than the average person due to his limited line of sight. All the while, he kept his footfalls as quiet as possible, utilizing his skill at shadōtoyūgō (stealth). He figured the quieter they were the less attention they would draw and the more his excellent hearing could pick up. In the end, he didn’t need good eyesight to tell if they were being followed. Five minutes of running down the empty dirt road had gone by when a manor came into view. Jeanette suddenly deviated from her original course to head towards the manor for reasons unknown to Fyror. A group of people that had been congregated outside were quickly dispersing. He caught a glimpse of a familiar face before she disappeared into the confines of the manor. If he was not mistaken, it was Millicent Wyndham. The last time he had seen her she had attempted to lessen the devastating blow caused by her mother’s slight of him. [i]“I would be more than blessed to have a man of honor as a husband than any other cretin in the room,”[/i] Millicent had boldly spoken up in contradiction to her mother’s implication that he was unworthy of her daughters due to his mangled appearance. Whether Millicent truly meant her words, he knew not. [i]“Forgive me sir, please,”[/i] had been her departing words. Fyror was pulled from his thoughts as Jeanette called out to the sole person standing outside the manor. The woman’s name was Virginia, apparently, and she was evidently acquainted with Jeanette. The woman had abnormally pale skin, almost reminding him of a ryne. His head tilted to the side the slightest as he watched and listened to her speak with Jeanette. She was peculiar in her manner of speaking, and her demeanor gave little away. She seemed to be knowledgeable in the ways of hunting Cargast, which is probably why Jeanette went out of her way to speak with the woman. He kept quiet, not wanting to interrupt their conversation. Besides, he was here for Jeanette’s protection, nothing more and nothing less. Well, maybe that wasn’t strictly true. He admittedly enjoyed being in the company of someone who was not deterred by his mangled appearance. It was a nice change of pace.