[@skarsgard] I have the exact words quoted below, but the first time Laat showed he openly stated he was fine with Penny making friends with the people of Beacon even after he stated he knew that Janet was treading on thin ice by shaking hands with a Monster Girl. Remember Penny is a Monster girl, with a trigger that will send her temporarily in to full monster status. Laat knows this and basically okay'd a plot to try and undermine the beacon by tricking members in to excommunicating themselves due to Penny. Note: Penny would not have made friends with that intention, but Laat does not care. Then when talking to the beacon he stated that Penny knows how he feels about treachery, and that he isn't worried about it. Never did he say she wasn't treacherous, just that [u]He[/u] isn't worried about it. Laat had, and still has, absolutely nothing to lose from this alliance based on his perspective and goals. Penny makes a bunch of friends, the alliance ends: Now their is a handful of girls that have to choose between killing Penny,someone they know, or staying with The Beacon. This is the out come He was stating he was okay with before The Beacon approached him and Penny. Penny makes a bunch of friends, the alliance is renewed: Now The Beacon has started to become more accustom to allowing a Monster Girl, perhaps more will be allow somewhere down the line. Penny makes no friends, the alliance is renewed: Same as above but Penny still has the chance to makes some friends in case the first scenario comes about. Penny makes no friends, the alliance ends: No loss is had, Penny now has a better understanding of the magical world and a decent grasp of how one of her more prominent dangers operates. Penny becomes a traitor, the alliance is dissolved: There is a chance she pulls some of The Beacon with her when she leaves, with Laat there to offer protection and temporary patronage. Penny becomes a traitor, is undiscovered: She starts wreaking the Beacon from the inside, slowly undermining the rules in place. If/When she is discovered read the above outcome. From his perspective there is no bad outcome from Penny and Beacon interacting, because no matter what happens, he gains from it. The best part of all this in my opinion, is that none of this was my intention. Laat just ended up like this, yet it still makes perfect sense as he is a god of destruction and change. [quote=Laat'AlOfan] [color=9e0b0f]The Beacon Does Not Tolerate Any Association With Those Of Dangerous Inclination[/color] ~ [color=9e0b0f]Know This As Well, I Approve Of Any Alliances You Form With Those That Currently Follow The Beacon, For It Has Stood Long Enough To Warrant My Attention, And Any Crack, No Matter The Size Is Well Won. They Will Not Likely Fall Due to Overwhelming Force; Death By A Thousand Cuts Is More Probable.[/color][/quote] [quote=Laat'AlOfan] [color=9e0b0f]I Worry Not About Treachery As They Know Well Enough How I Feel About Such Actions From Them At The Current Time.[/color] [/quote]