[@Tarok Raz0r]Great! Whenever you have the time, give a quick description of Xardiurels, where they come from, and what they're capable of and ad it to the cs if you can. [@Rune_Alchemist]My that was quite the read. But a very good one! My only question is, how do you feel about others being on your crew? I do like that everyone has their own ships which are really decently made! But I don't want everyone to scattered out too much. Otherwise you have a bunch of roleplayers scattered about the galaxy in their own ships doing their own things and only really meeting or interacting for big events...which spells inevitable slows downs or death. So I want to try and really only have a handful of ships that will hold everyone on them. Say maybe 4 or 5 main ships with a couple being piloted by my npcs. The idea is we have one main ship for the soldiers, the bounty hunters, the freelancers, and the pirates. It's okay to mix it up with pirates/bounty hunters or freelancers/soldiers or whatever but whatever happens, everyone needs a few people to interact with. Edit: Actually, fancy being the bounty hunter captain?