[i][b]Gloria Van Graff - Higgs Village, Big MT[/b][/i] [b]5:00 AM[/b] Gloria Van Graff had woken up at her normal time, eager to get operations underway and finish preparations for the New Vegas summit. It had been called with the idea of bringing peace to the nations of the wasteland but she knew better, the NCR and the Legion were going back to war as soon as the meeting ended and everyone went home. It was useless… well, to them at least. It was an easy way for the Van Graffs to continue expanding. All the representatives of the world, in one place, just ripe for the picking. In fact, this summit could speed up operations by 10 to 15 years. Originally, the corporation hadn’t planned on making its way further east for another 5 years, and not to the east coast for another 5-10 years after that. But with wars waging all over the continent, she was sure she would be able to make some arrangement to get weapons to the east within the year. She left her house, looking around at the beautifully restored executive housing for her family and the elegant fountain centered in the middle. The building was filled to the brim with Van Graff security standing at every door as well, though in all honesty, Gloria hated it all. It was mostly established by request of her brother and sisters. Gloria preferred the harsh lifestyle she used to live, she felt like the luxury of it all was making her soft. Gloria looked across at her father’s home and noticed he too was leaving his house. He held a cane at his side which he used to walk, and had 2 guards at either side of him. He was dressed in a perfectly clean black suit with a overcoat (looks like this: http://media.istockphoto.com/photos/old-school-mobster-picture-id168580426?k=6&m=168580426&s=612x612&w=0&h=4R7WofXnAYmTk9JH8fk8W4ioPpMrSUr30u7lxWqM43U=) Salvatore was old, but the man was pretty much the genius behind every operation, he was ruthless, merciless, and the reason the Van Graffs were in power. Gloria may manage Van Graff operations, but her father was in charge of every strategic play that they’d ever made. He was actually the one whom originally accepted House’s deal, and he was the one who ordered the countless attacks on Caravans throughout the NCR and the mojave such as Cassidy’s Caravan and other lesser brands looking to make a name for themselves. Though he may look like a shell of his former self, he’s still as ruthless as before and nothing big happens with the Van Graffs unless he’s first consulted. Even Gloria knew not to mess with her father, he’d as quickly order her death as he would any other one of the workers in this entire facility. The Van Graff family was really family only in name and blood, it just meant loyalty, nothing more. Salvatore approached her “Is the shipment ready for departure?” Gloria nodded, “I had it prepared yesterday, though, I’m heading over to ensure everything is loaded onto the plane and accounted for before we depart” Salvatore began walking away, “See that it is. We leave at one” ------------------------------------------------------------- [b]2:00 PM[/b] With the shipments of newly manufactured Energy weapons and explosives in tow, the private Van Graff executive plane arrived at McCarran airport. Gloria brought her own private security guard, Jean-Baptiste, her brother whom she consulted and trusted with everything. Salvatore brought four additional guards as well. As they left the plane, a personalized securitron with the cartoon face of a mob made-man approached them “The Van Graffs… welcome back to Sin City. The summit meeting as I’m sure you know is at the Ultra Lux Gourmand.” Salvatore shook his head, “For Fuck sake… plan on feeding everyone some human meat to bond over?” Gloria looked up at the robot, “Cancel any meals pre set for us… we won’t be eating” The robot responded, “Very well. I'm sure you aren't here for the food anyway. Do you have any weapons that need to be moved?” Gloria nudged her head towards the back of the plane, “We’ll have our men handle that, the weapons in the back of the plane are not to be touched by anyone but my own. Understand?” The securitron turned around, “Very well. Now if you’ll follow me, I’ll lead you to the monorail” ------------------------------------------------------ [b]The Strip [/b] After exiting the Monorail and entering the strip, it was obvious that House had set up a secure operation here. A large amount of additional Securitrons had been brought in to ensure the security of the diplomats. Gloria never truly felt any awe for the strip, sure it was wonderful, and Gomorrah was a fun time and a good way to get laid, but it always had this fake feel that she could never shake. It was largely the reason she didn’t frequent it much. It truly was a shining Jewel in the wasteland, though she certainly preferred the wasteland When they finally reached the Gourmand, she realized that they were the first to arrive which was excellent for her. The Van Graff security quickly spread out throughout the room, the only one staying close was Jean Baptiste whom stood directly behind both Gloria and Salvatore. A number of masked men stood around the room waiting for orders. Salvatore immediately broke out the bottle of scotch which they had received when arriving and poured himself a glass and began lighting a cigar. All they had left to do was wait...