[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/rHEESTN.png[/img][/center] Uwah, that was one hell of an edgy bastard. Horribly out of place in the Faded City’s cyberpunk aesthetic was some cartoonish humanoid monster in garishly yellow armor, featuring a single cyclopean eye and hair so spiky that it HAD to be something that was weaponizable. Pink hair and blue skin as well, made him look more like some mid-boss in a JRPG rather than a player, and after watching his salty rampage through a bunch of weakling dissolutions, Mauve Night nodded to herself. Yup, this guy was good to fight. Same level, from a different guild, and didn’t look like a filthy mage or a cheap-ass speed-spammer. That dash maneuver looked like he may be the bitchy type who’d dash away if things got rough for him, but hey, that was fine! As long as she could land in a couple hits early on, it wouldn’t be difficult at all to land in more hits later, even if he decided to turn and run! [b]“Yo, porcupine head,”[/b] she called out from above, [b]“Grinding for levels? Or are you just salty that the Bruisers got wiped?”[/b] Dropping from two stories above, Mauve Night landed on the dissipating remnants of one of the Dissolutions he had onepunched, and grinned at one-eyed demonic dark elf thing. [b]“Cause I want to get a fun win, and you look better than the mage-types and speedsters that are popping up these days. So let’s do it! I’ll say…countdown of five seconds before I splatter you in four minutes?”[/b] Was she being a bit aggressive? Probably. But he looked like he was on rageroids already. Surely a light jab like this wasn't going to make him any grouchier than he already was, right? [@Lord of Evil]