M'kay. [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xuCn8ux2gbs]So just a tl;dr recap:[/url] MiG-31 went in high and fast, [u]pegged each of the four big ones with a bloody huge missile each[/u], [i]zoooooom-cliiiiiiiiimb[/i], used sun to blind their weapons-fire before doing a cropduster-turn to re-engage two more with missiles. MiG-23 went in low fast and hot, pegging a few fighters along the way (some with unguided rockets) and dragging most of them down into the weebs. [url=https://youtu.be/R1NBpYNR8dE?t=242][i]Creative use of the R-60 ensues.[/i][/url] Dalcon finally shows-up, pegs a big one with a super-sidewinder, then an AIM-120 to finish. [u]So... this pretty much means [i]fighters engaged[/i]:[/u] MiG-31: Engaged two fighter craft. Probably still has an R-73 and guns (260 rds / 1.75 sec). MiG-23: Aggro'd [i]everything[/i]. Packing two rocket-pods, guns (200 rds / 3.4 sec), and a single R-60 pointed aft. [i]That's it[/i]. Dalcon: Searching for targets. Short a sidewinder and AMRAAM (presumes has one of each still). [i]Also has a JDANM[/i]. Oh, and guns (500 rds / 5 sec) There were 8 of them. And the most Clem got was 5. So there's at least two more bandits up my tailpipe, [i]pls declog[/i]. kthxbye.