[h1][center][color=39b54a]Daphne Pender[/color][/center][/h1] [hr][center]Location: Bridge[/center][hr] The Bridge was relatively quiet, and Daphne did not like it. Her thoughts were running wild while she sat there, hoping for something to happen. She wasn't very good at being patient, and while she was sitting there, stuck on the bridge, who knew what could be happening elsewhere on the ship. She thought about paging Harper, so that she at least had someone to talk to, but decided not to bother him. It wasn't too long ago that he left, and it would probably annoy him. She didn't really like him, but his company would be better than nothing. She glanced at the console in front of her, her fingers itching to fly the ship. Daphne has never flown an Alliance vessel, and she really wanted to fly the ship, more than just sitting there and keeping an eye on things. She was bored, and it was really bugging her. Daphne was just sitting there, waiting. Hopefully someone told her to do something, or hopefully something happened that would require her to do something with the ship controls. Everything was quiet, and it annoyed her because she never liked the quiet, not really anyway.