Okay! First post is up, everyone. To hopefully avoid any rush of posting requiring people to edit at the start, I'd like to make sure the first person that's going calls it out here (first come, first serve). That person will be the first to introduce themselves to Loreia, people after can situate themselves in the courtyard wherever, and interact with each other until they're called up. I'm not going to have a posting order as I said before, but I would ask that you hold off on posting again until 5-6 people have gone after you. If the IC wasn't clear, your characters will meet guards outside the manor's walls. They'll escort you inside and into the school's training grounds, where there will be a bunch more guards keeping watch around Loreia and the grounds themselves. The first person will be taken straight to Loreia, while the others will be asked to wait. It might be easier to do introductory stuff with Loreia in collab, if you'd prefer to write your character's talk with her that way I can set up a pirate pad or something. In general I'm all for collab'd posts if you guys wanna do them for outside of the arena stuff, just let us know if you're working on something and don't go too far with it if other characters are in the scene. Whew. Okay, ask away with any questions. Otherwise, first one to call it here in OOC can go ahead and intro their character. Others can flood in after that.