~I agree with one of you. It's probably safest not to say directly where I am. As you can guess, this is a huge risk for me- us. Especially if Government Informants can hear this too. We can set up a place to meet if you think that is best. A public place with lots of people. It would be easier to blend in and if Government informants are there, they would be less inclined because of all the innocent people right?~ Alice hoped that she would have a chance to meet these people. The ones that were on her side at least. She knew there was only so long one could last on their own, and with her inexperience on so many topics she was practically a sitting duck. Especially now that she has gotten the attention of many other 'Specials'. ~Does anyone have an idea of where to meet?~ Alice decided she would try to move and communicate with these new people as opposed to stay in one place. She found herself feeling all to venerable sitting in one place meditating in the dirt among her plants. She hoisted herself off her bum onto her hands and knees and began planting. She was using seeds she had collected before from these same plants not too many months ago. The all-inclusive resort was having a hard time attracting people and the dead plants all over weren't helping. Alice figured she could work here and it gave her a chance to work with more exotic plants that she had yet to encounter. Of course she kept 3 seeds of every kind of plant she encountered. Alice had reinforced all of her pockets with a special kind of fabric to make sure her seeds were not damp, crushed or lost. She loved Cape Verde for all of the opportunities she had with the plants. She had a particularly hard time with the carnivorous plants that could survive the local climate but the challenge just made the en-devour to talk to them all the more pleasurable. Alice was covered in a thin layer of rich soil, her arms and hands more so. She continued to dig holes with her hands and plant the seeds. Finally getting to her real job.