Kenza and Mistletoe took off, dispersing to get a better look at the immediate surroundings without risking getting too close to the spiders again. Mistletoe did not find much, the direction she had picked being mostly void of anything worth noting. Kenza, on the other hand, did find the origin of the freshly broken wood. One bookshelf that had once stood next to the wall had been close to obliterated by something, probably a fight taking place here if she was to judge by the general disorder of this general area. To her surprise, she could actually see the way beyond the web! Most of the intact webbing was now behind her so that would not be too much in the way, although many strands still crawled near the floor. And unfortunately the carcass of the big spider was still quite near the way out. But it was something. Derrick who headed his own way quickly ran into the intact webbing still covering major areas in that part of the room. Knowing better than to tangle himself up in it, he slowed his step down well before touching the strands. This wouldn't be a way anywhere unless he was willing to do some cutting. However, with all of the hunters eyes away from the door they had entered from, they noticed a newcomer to the room only once it sat on top of a bookshelf with a heavy thud, a sound that resembled a heavy statuette being placed onto a pedestal. And at the origin point of the sound sat a small gargoyle, the spots where eyes would exist on it's smooth face gleaming yellow. A pattern including an ornate circle began lighting up on its torso as it sat still in silence, looking down upon the hunters. [@Dusksong][@Lord of Evil]