[center][img=http://i6.photobucket.com/albums/y205/Mike1204/martianlogo_zps59624541.png] [b]Charles Xavier’s School for the Gifted[/b][/center] Charles Xavier understood; he understood better than M’gann could have imagined. But the information that he himself was a sort of telepathic creature had been information that she had not been told and for the first time since she landed on Earth she felt some sort of relative connection with a living being. Sure, Howard had been the savior of her woes on the dangerous gladiatorial “War World” and she was very grateful for his services but there was something about finding another sentient telepathic being that wasn’t distant and cold towards her. Perhaps blaming the other martian for his lack of connectivity with her was petty, but being a teenager was being all about petty and melodramatic—something of which she vocalized very well when in grief to her alien companion. But here she was in a room with somebody not even her own race who was in the powers scheme of things relatable to her in at least a telepathic level and she felt comfortable in her own skin. “You don’t have to hide your true idenity at this school.” The bald man stated kindly as Howard shot a glance that spoke of his disagreement with the statement. The dissent towards aliens after the kryptonian invasion was something to note, but M’gann felt like there was a sort of truth to Xavier’s assurance and that it wasn’t untrue. Howard had warned her that they should worry about revealing their origins so quickly, but it was like Xavier had a way of getting people to feel comfortable which was very obvious with M’gann. [b]“I appreciate that.” [/b]M’gann stated and despite this comfortable feeling felt like she had to be cautious. [b]“But this…”[/b] “I understand. I’m sure you’ll see here at this school, that, we as people will accept you. Give it time.” M’gann smiled as she looked on at the elder man in her human form. [b]“I hope so.”[/b] “Until then, you will be offered the services I offer to everyone else—your friend here, Howard, I’ll find a fit for him as well. You both earned such safe existence away from the paranoid, cynical world we live in.” Howard raised a brow but nodded. “Well, I guess we’ll talk some more after we get M’gann sorted here.” “Indeed.”