[b][i]Ghoul Hunting Near Novac[/i][/b] Then suddenly, rumbling can be heard over the horizon as sudden stormclouds appeared in the sky, moving too fast to be entirely natural. It then began raining, lowering visibility even with the very good eyes of the people hunting Ghouls. Then, a bolt of lightning would strike the rock Jean was observing from; the obvious decision would be for her to run down from the outcropping and risk being detected by the 'Ranger', in order to avoid being electrocuted and rained on. If she did so, however, both she and Jessica/Virgo would notice something glowing nearing them on the left; a Glowing One and several Feral Ghouls, encouraged by the rain! [b][i]Nipton[/i][/b] The townspeople decided to keep away from the skirmish, running back to their homes or whatever structures there were. Then, as the last of the Legionnaires were mowed down by Tatsuya and Obadiah, they and Jake would see...a tornado moving towards Nipton, causing the townspeople to panic! While the Mojave was no stranger to cyclones, the fact was that this one just appeared out of nowhere, implying that this wasn't natural... ------ Numerius would encounter a slight squall as he made his way back to the Legion's main territories, but nothing that would slow him down appreciatably. Then, a small band of Legion Frumentarii would be sighted, walking towards his position. They would tell Numerius, "The Brotherhood of Steel profilgates - they've attacked Cottonwood Cove; heavy rains have also flooded the place just a few hours before!" [b][i]Paradise 'Par' Rapids[/i][/b] The deal was signed, and the steps needed to discredit the current leadership of the Crimson Caravan were being taken. Hopefully, Par would be able to navigate this dangerous course. For now, however, he would rest, not knowing of events happening around him, events happening that would shape the Mojave Wasteland forever... [b][i]Remnants Bunker[/i][/b] Five people in power armor, dead, the only thing valuable about them being the Enclave technology they still carried. A smile from their killer; it didn't matter. They may have been genetically 'pure' individuals, but they were an obstacle to his plans, the [i]New[/i] Enclave's plans. The person in Hellfire Power Armor looked around the small base, smiling as their men began to systemically salvage the tech inside, which included a Vertibird. "To exploit, not to exterminate; that is what we learned from Chicago. Power is the only truth; purity can go hang," the warrior took off their helmet, and long red tresses flowed out, revealing a deceptively soft woman's face, with glinting green eyes that shone with bloodlust. She faced her troops, saying, "the [i]Old[/i] Enclave, in Navarro, the Capital Wasteland, and now Chicago have fallen due to their attempts to kill those who are not pure, not realizing that the [i]ideals[/i] of the United States are what mattered, not what genes they carried. And the ideals of the United States are this: Freedom for those who are smart, who are strong, who are just [i]better[/i] than others, no matter their race or sex. Do not take this for the so-called NCR's claptrap about 'civil rights' and 'dignity for all', no, freedom is only for those who earn it, for those who have merit!" The people accompanying her gave a loud hurrah at that, even the ones busy salvaging the dead bodies of the so-called 'Enclave Remnants'. The woman smiled, before raising her gun, and shouting, "Freedom for the Strong!" [b][i]Big MT[/i][/b] Father Elijah masterminded the attacks of the Brotherhood of Steel on this 'New Legion', testing out the new 'Weather Machine' he and the Brotherhood had forced the so-called 'Think Tank' to build for him. At the same time, however, it seemed that his attempt to target Novac and NCR Commander Boone had missed, with the storm he had sent to the town ending up in the countryside outside it. Tsk, tsk, more things to refine for the next round...if he could silence the rumblings of dissent that were increasing, even with the success he had brought the Brotherhood. [@Grec][@Delta 38][@dereken][@Lauder][@DepressedSoviet][@NecroKnight][@Double]