[center][img]http://i.imgur.com/FeTePeo.gif[/img] [img]http://txt-dynamic.static.1001fonts.net/txt/dHRmLjg4LmE0YTVhMS5SMlZ1YVEsLC4w/alfabetix.regular.png[/img][/center] [@Plank Sinatra] [@Crimmy] [@Ayazi] [@Silvan Haven] Table tops layered with trays of the most delicious food and drinks lined the walls, delicacies capable of making one's mouth water: a whole roast deer with sprigs of rosemary threaded through its antlers and stuffed with bacon and rye bread, marinated Glenloth chicken, grilled trout with lemon, smoked sausages and a pineapple glazed ham, mounds of fragrant wild rice, potatoes and diced pumpkin smeared with butter and spices baked on hot stones, countless cheeses that went with baskets of crackers and bread rolls shaped as seashells, and all sorts of varieties of salads and side dishes. Huge platters of fowl stuffed with savoury fruit and nuts. Ocean creatures drizzled in sauces or begging to be dipped in spicy concoctions. Countless vegetables, sweets, waterfalls of juice, and streams of milk that called to early morning onlookers. To Geni, it was all a fairy tale, a wonder so beyond comprehension that left him awestruck. Before he knew it, he dug into the rich food with ravenous hunger, indulging himself to the point of busting, eating more than he'd thought possible. He shoved toast, eggs, pancakes, sausage, bacon, and fried potatoes into his gaping mouth, cramming it in thick and fast, consuming a meal that had taken hours to prepare and cook in a matter of minutes like some kind of vacuum cleaner. Then, showing no signs of embarrassment he wiped his mouth on his sleeve and belched - much to the dismay of those seated nearby. Reveling in the afterglows of his morning feast, Geni slumped comfortably in his plush armchair. Back home, food in such abundance wasn't a commodity, but a jewel to be horded and enjoyed. As was such, anytime an occasion presented him with food such as today, he wasted no time horking down as much as he could from morning till evening. A bad habit no less, but he just couldn't help himself, that coupled with the distraction it provided him on such a day as today, made for a perfect scapegoat to vent on. Even under the din of stainless steel on porcelain, he could still hear the joyous squeals of reunion and the judgmental 'humph' and 'growls' of overprotective fathers in the distance. A referendum of conjugation that Geni took no part off. Not by choice at least. Father and elder brother were still off playing revolutionary while docile mother waited on the porch for them to return, forbidden from seeing her traitorous son. So Geni had no one to greet with open arms on Family Day. Not that it mattered. [i]I am a strong man who don't need no family!"[/i] Geni mused indignantly. Family Day didn't require that he invite family to participate. His teammates could easily substitute as such. [i]The same teammates you have yet to spend more than an hour with?[/i] a small voice whispered in the back of his head. [i]A minor inconvenience.[/i] Geni retorted. [i]Inconvenience. You and I both see no inconvenience in this situation. Only lies and jaded rationale.[/i] the voice fired back. [i]Jaded rationale?! I know what I'm doing![/i] Geni growled. [i]Oh really now? Your teammates are you family? The teammates you've yet to truly meet? They are your family?! You're an outcast. An outlier. You know this! And for this reason, one can easily discern that your decision aren't founded on reality![/i] the voice mused on. [i][b]Enough![/b][/i] Geni finally snapped. [i]We're here.[/i] Finally the ivory haired lion-faunas snapped out of his trance like state to stare down the entrance of his dorm room. He hardly remembered leaving the buffet area, yet here he was, luggage in hand. He could hear the muffled cries of reunion coming from within. Someone had brought with them family. Great, it only meant he had more people to meet. [i]Best not leave the welcoming party waiting.[/i] Geni mused as he opened the dorm room door. Inside, he was first greeted by the white as chalk face of a tall, jet black haired, female faunas who remained fixated on a cluster of three humans, one of which clamped onto the other two - who he assumed were here parent - also sported long jet black hair and an expression of happiness. The faunas' eyes and mouth were frozen wide open in an expression of stunned surprise, and although she was staring straight at him she appeared not to notice him at all. Behind the the cluster of surprise and maternal love, an untidy female with spectacles watched on, benched on a bed, and a rather imposing male brooded at the back wall. [i]Quite the team.[/i] the voice chortled. [i]Quite the [b]family[/b], indeed.[/i] Geni growled back. The voice refused to reply, and Geni reveled in the small victory. [color=Gainsboro]"Mind if I interrupt?"[/color] Geni called from the threshold, withholding his entry for now.