[color=f26522][h3]Gregory Irving[/h3][hr][hr][/color] Biting back the urge to curse as the staircase shook and rattled from the demolition happening inside, Gregory forced himself to stop gripping the handrail and continue making his way downwards. A spike of panic punched into his heart as the stairs tilted sideways, and he looked up to see the top pull free of the roof. With imminent collapse looming overhead, he booked it down another flight of stairs before just swinging over the handrails and falling the remaining story or so. Grunting as he pushed himself off the ground and to his feet, Gregory unclipped his phone before he bolted out of the alley. Even without Brent’s warning, the other elephantine constructs weren’t exactly subtle. The ground rumbled as they bulldozed their way towards him, and a quick glance at his map showed they were making a rather steady pace towards him. [color=f26522]“You do mean east right? West brings me face first into one south of you,”[/color] he muttered into the phone before he sprinted across the street and ducked to keep low with the damaged buildings. Even just a glance with his eyes told him that nothing in this quarter of town would do much to impede the massive elephantine constructs. They could just step through or over or knock aside what was left of the buildings. Best case scenario for him? They noticed all the fuss the offensive support was raising to the north of him and went to deal with them instead. For now though, rather than run through the area filled with tripping hazards and difficult terrain, Gregory ran to a manhole cover and tapped it quickly. Drawing a line to the south, away from any of the other students, he ducked aside to let the metal disc rip free and fly off before kicking a bit of rubble down and holding a flashlight over the entrance. [i][color=f26522]‘Please don’t be empty…’[/color][/i]