[@Rai] [i]The average rate of a brisk jog is about seven feet per second, which was how long Magnix waited when Auz began moving. The world record for Olympic long jump is twenty-nine feet, Auz coming up a little short of that at roughly twenty-five. Auz had originally spawned about twenty-two feet in front of the King after his last death. As a result, he'd be hurtling right for the big fella with enough momentum in his armored body to probably bowl him over. All that stood before him and his opponent was that fireball, however there was a trade-off. The size of the bubble likely obscured the King's view of Auz, and as Magnix had begun blowing the thing the moment he was sure Auz was going to evade, he'd have no idea that his opponent was now, after his three deaths, more than 195% faster than he had been when they first met. 25% on top of 25% on top of 25%. Auz would reach the King nearly twice the rate expected, and with the bonus of having his approach obscured. Baring his teeth, hair set back against the wind, Auz skewered his longsword through the large fire bubble with the intent of shish-kebabing Magnix's heart. Though it would undoubtedly unleash the torrent of flames and cruelly wound the knight, surely those flames wouldn't have even a mote of the kinetic energy required to impede the flying stab of Auz. Seeing as Magnix would be liable only to realize something was off about Auz's speed once the bubble had burst and cleared his field of vision, he'd be left with virtually no viable time to react to the swift blade whose passage was of such haste that it could leave one dead before they had even seen the thrust.[/i]