been busy, will edit and add more tomorrow or later Name - Elijah Allan McConnell Nickname(s): Eli, Allan, Al, Mac, Conn Alias/codename: Morning Star Age - 33 Species - Human (probably...mostly...) Role - Captain of the Hellion (if it's available) Gender - Male Appearance - [hider=My Hider] [img][/img] [/hider] Personality - Known to bend the rules, Elijah Allan McConnell has been called a maverick captain, though he certainly wouldn't call himself that. McConnell is very level-headed and usually makes measured, rational decisions, tactically as well as personally. He is witty and sarcastic, even on the bridge, but never lets his sense of humour or personal issues get in the way of doing the job, at least not often. He is human after all. He is highly intelligent, intuitive, and analytical. He also prefers the company of a couple of friends over his entire crew, earning him a reputation as an introverted loner. However, he loves his crew, and spends as much time with them as possible...just not all at once. Captain McConnell is also perceptive, straight-forward, and often self-deprecating. He is quick to take the blame for something, even when it's not his fault at all, and if he can reasonably cover for one of his soldiers' mistakes or lacks in judgment, he will. As long as it doesn't harm anyone. History - His military records show that Elijah McConnell was an average kid up until puberty, where he not only grew physically, but also mentally. His high intelligence and natural intuition made him a perfect candidate for officer school in the Coalition. However, soon after he graduated the training academy, he went missing for a couple of months. When he returned, he would not speak of what had happened, and the Coalition military ordered him not to speak of it, essentially classifying and sweeping away any independent investigation. Elijah McConnell quickly rose through the ranks until he became the Tactical Executive Officer on the Rainstorm, under his cousin, Captain Brinehard. The Rainstorm was destroyed and his captain was killed in a battle with the Throgg, making Commander McConnell the acting-captain. Upon his return, he was formerly promoted to Captain and given the command of his first ship, the Hellion. He has one younger brother named Simon. Their parents are dead. Equipment - Dual plasma pulse pistols (proficiency above average); plasma pulse SMG (proficiency above average); Hardlight blade (proficiency expert); stun grenades (proficiency average). Ship - I am assuming he can captain the Hellion if it is available. If not, he would like a similar ship called [i]Tears of Silence.[/i] His crew would be no more than a couple hundred, no less than a dozen, mostly rookies since he's a relatively new captain. If possible, the ship has an AI (hologram and android) called Kimmy. Activity - In a perfect world, I can post every day, but as I have just discovered this week, I am in like 20 RPs, so I'm gonna say once a week to be safe. But most likely every other day or every two days. Extras - If anyone wants to play his crew in addition to the current main characters you are currently playing, that would be cool. If you want ideas, I would like someone similar to Percy on StarHunter as tech or helm, Jadzia Dax as science or security, someone with a bad bedside manner as the medical officer, and an Alan Rickman type as an XO. OH! And I would like a hologram named Kimmy. :)