[@Lord of Evil] Natasha looked at the man, noticing something strange with his hand, she cocked her head to one side, and watched the spectacle. She laughed at the thug struggling in the man's grasp, [i]He has to be one of them. Maybe he won't try to kill me.[/i] she thought. She didn't move, only shifted her gaze to the two thugs still before her. When the man got off the phone, she placed her hands on her hips, if the thugs did anything she could easily dodge them. When no one moved she sighed, grabbing their attention, [b]"Well this is boring, I don't feel like having to deal with police so if you don't mind..."[/b] she took a step forward and punched the nearest thug in the face, putting enough energy behind it to knocked him out, at the same time she swung her leg up and caught the other with her foot, hitting him just below the jaw. Both men staggered back, close enough to the other guy to either run away, or get hit with a bat. Natasha inspected the nails on her right hand, then looked at them, [b]"Run, or deal with us."[/b] she said, looking bored.