[color=darkturquoise][h3][b]Cesar Lorenzo Tidesong Bolivar[/b] Turyn, [i]en la oscuridad[/i][/h3][/color] [@Zverda][@The Harbinger of Ferocity][@JBRam2002] [color=darkturquoise][i]Now, you're probably wondering... how did we end up in this mess? Well, that's a long story... It started with the end of the world.[/i][/color] Cesar looked up to the orb in the sky, nodding his head to the side with a frown. He watched as it swallowed huge chunks of land like they were nothing. Whatever that was, Cesar is certain he does not want to end up being swallowed by that sphere. A dread feeling would wash over the sailor's gut- [i][color=darkturquoise]But of course, I made sure not to make it obvious to my allies that I was afraid![/color][/i] - as the darkness slowly continued to consume the world as he knew it. It was then the diminutive beings of darkness began to creep in from whatever hole the come from. Shadows. Pests that prefer to confound their prey like wolves. There's always a few shadows they'd have to deal with. It's practically become routine. Cesar groaned as he hovered his blade over his sword. The sooner he took care of them, the sooner he'd be out of this gods-forsaken blighted heap. Then it appeared. A being of darkness, just like the shadows, but larger. Far larger. As big as a whale, Cesar would judge. As it continued to manifest its shape, Cesar's hand began to shake with fear. As its dreadful, purple eyes hovered over Cesar, it felt as if his own soul was being stared into. This caused the young mariner to hesitate, almost freezing with fear. It only took some of Cesar's allies to charge towards the behemoth to snap the sailor out of his trance. The masked zealot had carved their path open, and his allies proceeded to rally towards the dark thing. Cesar had to swallow his fear and muster up the courage needed to help his allies, and lead them to victory. What sort of captain would he be if he hesitated while the lives of his crewmates were on the line? What sort of man would he be to his father if he let his friends die under his watch? Cesar took a gulp, shaking his head. He had to make sure all thoughts of doubt left his mind. He looked down, for a second, before noticing the shimmering light that began to surround him. Cesar looked up, to find the source of such a blessing, thinking the gods finally decided to shine upon him, for once,- [color=darkturquoise][i]which, at the time, would've been quite surprising, given the amazing rapport we share.[/i][/color] - but that fantasy quickly died when he saw that the young warrior, Thea, had placed a shield of faith upon him. [color=darkturquoise]"Gracias, lady Thea!"[/color] Cesar called at her direction. The shield further filled Cesar's confidence up. He decides to head on in with the rest, the only way to go being forward. Cesar stepped to the side of the Shadow nearest him, rolling away from its grasps, but not before a claw managed to land a hit on him. Well, at least the mariner wasn't bleeding from it. Cesar got back on his feet, and continued forward, but not before looking back at Katia. She was fast, but she'd practically be cornered by those three shadows. Cesar knows well how much they favor swarming a single target. He drew his hand crossbow, firing a shot at the shadow closest to the monk. Grinning as his bolt flew true, Cesar began to reload his crossbow. [color=darkturquoise]"Vaminos, [i]mi felina!"[/i][/color] Cesar called to Katia, with a nickname he had given her long ago. [color=darkturquoise]"Show these ratas that [i]moxie[/i] that I know you for!"[/color] With one of those shadows out of the way, Katia would be able to catch up with everyone else, Cesar had thought. He continued his movement, towards the rest of his allies, preparing to provide he proper support where it's needed. [hider=Cesar's turn] Cesar HP: 14/15 Bolts: 39 Bardic Inspiration: 2/3 Cesar ran off from the Shadow he was facing, taking an Opportunity Attack from it for 2 damage. Cesar moved towards the rest of the party, stopping briefly while he was 20 ft from his normal position. Cesar drew his hand crossbow, using his action to Attack, firing at the Shadow adjacent to Katia. The bolt [url=https://www.roleplayerguild.com/rolls/2413]struck true[/url] dealing [url=https://www.roleplayerguild.com/rolls/2414]3 damage.[/url] Cesar used his bonus action Bardic Inspiration on Katia, giving her a 1d6 to add on to any skill check, saving throw, or attack roll. Finally, Cesar continued his movement by walking another 10 feet forward, positioning himself behind the rest of his party.[/hider]