Henry woke up from from sleep and shivered as he sat up and shook his head. When they say chill out they probably don't mean it literally, whoever they is. He got up and got dressed quickly as the captain's voice broadcast through the intercom, looks like they were doing a mutiny of sorts. Sweet, he had been starting to get bored around here. [i]"Sounds good captain, any neat toys for me?"[/i] Henry had a wide smile on his face as he put on all his equipment, making sure to place "Good Ol Sandy" on his hip carefully. He got to the bridge quickly and slid himself into an empty seat, whistling a merry time as he listened to the captain's speech. He raised his hand and began to speak. "I'm down to go grab the cargo and kill whoever on my way there. Whatever you want me to do though." Henry shrugged and leaned back in his seat.