[@Oak7ree] Marching in line towards the canteen, Johnathan had a bit on his mind... through he did notice that when they passed the more rank and file solders that were training, he was the one in their little group that got the least attention. That made quite a lot of sense, since if he had been put in any other unit of solders he would have blended right in as another recruit; He did notice a few dark looks that were thrown towards his Asian teammate and the women of the unit were looked at with slight disbelief, lust and a slight degree of scorn, through they weren't inclined to say or do anything more about it at the moment. No doubt due to the presence of a ranking officer. He made sure that he was the last in the line of their group, receiving his meal last but with an intention in mind. Before he walked over to sit down at the table that his squad had claimed for their own, he politely waited until the Colonel had left the Captain alone before walking towards him and offering a brief salute. "Sir, might I discuss something with you in private the next chance we get?"