Terry strode up the steps up to the main hall building, it was pointed out to them before they got off the transport as the first place to be. Aaron glanced around warily at all the other trainers and Pokemon, perhaps a thousand students were getting off and joining today. The trainer kept his eyes down and tried not to bump into anybody, Hoenn natives tended to be friendly and outgoing even with complete strangers, but he definitely bucked the trend. He passed through the crowd, trying to weave between people where possible to get this orientation over with. The large double doors to the main hall had Pokeball style door handles one would probably find at a Pokemon Center, and were being held open by two apparent faculty members. Terry walked in and the hall was decorated with numerous tables and chairs, some faculty and students already sitting down and conversing, as well as a podium on a raised platform at the end of the room, with apparent Teachers and a silver haired young man loitering and awaiting to begin. Mr. Adams was one of the ones standing on the platform, organized in a row with around two dozen other teachers behind the Headmaster. “Can't believed I got roped into doing this again.” He muttered under his breath. He idly tossed a Pokeball into the air and caught it, careful not to accidentally hit the release button. Inside was his Lucario, his partner, and best friend, unfortunately teachers were not permitted a “Show of force” this year, possibly since he nearly destroyed the main hall. Steven Stone stepped up to the microphone as the last students made it in and the doors closed behind them, Terry got a good look at him, something about him seemed important but he could not place it. With a slight clear of his throat the silver haired headmaster began his speech. “Trainers, I would like to be the first to welcome you to the finest institution of Pokemon in our world. The very ground you are standing on right now will one day be regarded as more sacred than the regional Leagues of even Halls of Fame. By joining our third class ever, you will be at the forefront of a new age of Pokemon battling and competition. We encourage you to break traditions, play outside the rules, give no mercy, and be the best competitive battlers you can be.” He gave a slight chuckle “However, we here respect Pokemon and Trainers above all, so even though I am sure you have all read these off of your documents already, I am going to restate the rules.” There was a paper in front of him but he didn't bother reading off of it. “There will be no battling without an official mediator, period. Any of our faculty will be happy to referee your battles but don't try to go outside this rule, you will be caught. Do not interfere with another's Pokemon or possessions. Be to your classes on time, or early, and follow any rules the teachers may have. And finally, items are not permitted in battle, held or otherwise, as per the new Pokemon League rules set this year. You are all here because you show potential as Gym Leaders at the very least, so you had best get used to the standards the International Pokemon League sets.” Steven took another set of papers out from under his first stack on the podium. “Now that's out of the way, you are all to report to your homeroom classes.” He began to read off a list of names, Terry noticed his and others were under a teacher named Adams for their first class of the day. He got out of his chair when dismissed and counted his way down the hall until he got to Adams class. 108, he was apparently the first to find it, and the door was locked, he presumed his teacher had not yet made it. ((I know things are going somewhat fast but I have plans to follow, all player characters are in this as their first class out of convenience, and will follow the same day class schedule.))